ill start by saying i love this game... minus its major flaws. this game requires you to think ahead and react at a high speed which is awesome. now on to its deficiencies. the last patch seems to have improved the staying connected issue with parties, but it still happens. now that being said i can learn to live with it cuz i do love this game. but that being said, what i cant look past is the inconsistancy of the connection in game. 1 game u get killed by 1 bullet every time, another u can see the guy in the kill cam not even looking, shooting, meleeing in your direction but yet u die. on top of that, there is no reason why melee should be so bad in this game. 2 to 3 melees are needed to kill someone unless using a stealth kill. thats too much, especially since it appears that if your teammate almost kills a guy and then u melee him 3 sec later his health is magically restored to a point that u dont kill him but he kill u with one shot from a handgun. on top of that it also appears that just cuz u melee a guy doesnt mean u actually hit him with the gun even tho u can hear the thud. these are major issues that all can be improved if not completely fixed. ill end by saying my stats arnt the best but they arnt the worst either. and wether i do well or not does not determine wether i like the game. but ive also noticed recently huge problems with possible hackers? not sure if they are hacking or not, but it seems like a possibility. for the past 3 months ive been playing every moment i can and usually average a 1.0 k/d ratio, averaging around 15 kills a match. i get a decent amount of killstreaks as well, my problem is i jump into the fray and take out who i can, anyways, since double xp weekend started ive had probably 75% of my matches end with me have a very negative k/d ratio with only 3-5 kills per match during this time. while watching the kill cam i see guys not even seeing me, looking away from me shooting at someone else and killing me in 3 shots the missed me as i went by. i get it, i understand every game has its flaws. but when u can see why there are these problems and they dont fix it, it gets annoying. games on the ps3 should never have peer 2 peer networking. its 1990 technology. get a real server for this game and maybe more people wouldnt stop playing this game. every person i know wont play cuz of all these networking issues. its just too bad considering how good this game could be.