u dont need a debuff to "role play" that u need to eat or sleep or drink. The option and the items are there.
u dont need a debuff to "role play" that u need to eat or sleep or drink. The option and the items are there.
you don't need to argue against a mode in the game, that would be optional
To be fair, it'd take time to add in and balance, requiring scripting, balancing, editing of existing items and changing the user interface. I'd rather them spend that time creating something I'd actually use. New weapons, or ammo types. Or squashing bugs.
If you want to have the tedious task of micro managing your characters needs go play New Vegas.
Role playing or player limiting aside, part of the issue is this, from my 2nd runthrough: 18 hours out of the vault, now has 5 10mm pistol, 3 .45 pipe rifles, 10 .38 pipe pistols, 5 .38 auto pipe pistols, 7 molotovs, 4 frag grenades, 460+ rounds of .38, not to forget power armour, minigun, swags of other ammo, meds and chems.
I make every animal I kill into food. I sell it for good money. I make drugs in vast quantities and sell that too. Having me eat a food and a water once in a while would impact me not at all. I have a lot of purified water and sleep for health reason regularly.
Stalker hardness method is my favorite. It's very simple. Just make everything vulnerable. A harder setting would entail you becoming easier to kill, as well as everything else.
Anyways, I think maybe we've been looking at this the wrong way. Everyone has their own wishes, their own thoughts, their own game style etc which is why we can never agree on a set point, but we try anyways...
Maybe instead Bethesda could remove the "survival" difficulty which no one is truly happy with & replace it with a custom difficulty setting, literally a difficulty setting you can customise to your liking. Sliders to adjust default player & npc health and sliders for default damage. Tick off whether you want food, water, sleep to become valid factors to maintain & whether broken limbs can be treated with stimpacks or not. Heck, even a slider to adjust the rarity of medical items, ammo, caps etc. And lets not forget a slider which can change the rarity of fusion cores. Everyone wins in this case
Lets be honest if this feature was present everyone would most likely use it & love it. It would also be abused however, making redundant the ammo & caps rarity perk...
See, this guy gets it. This sort of stuff would be optional for those who don't want it, but to me having to drink especially would be good because there's so much irradiated water. You'd have to balance need and risk. Otherwise the irraditated water is pointless because you never ever need to use it so it's not a threat. In like 200 hours I had a rad problem on like one occasion, radiation should be more dangerous then it is... it's kind of a joke, really.
Irradiated water should be a threat in the wasteland, and a necessity. Some of us would enjoy surviving. And it's just weird running around with 4 billion pounds of ammo and never having to eat, sleep, or drink in a survival game.
I would love a New Vegas-style hardcoe mode again. It was much more immersive, especially during that tense first leg to New Vegas. It was one of my favourite innovations.
You know you had the option to turn it off, right?
This post is soo funny. Enemies arent bullet sponges? really? REALLY? The fact that you have to shoot a raider or a dog 3+ times in the head to kill is the sole definition of bullet sponge, let alone any other body part. Who uses stimpacks in dangerous combat encouters? Just pop a nuka quantom + psycho and you're invincible. Ammo weight doesn't screw the game up. Just because you are lazy and don't want to "micromanage" doesn't mean that other people feel the same. No purpose? The purpose of ammo weight is that you have to decide what will you pick up. Also it makes perks like strong back more useful. You know...some games have custom difficulty sliders. Where you can decide exactly how you want to play the game. Oh and do you know there is a MOD for FNV that does exactly that? It's a shame that Bethesda Softworks is a garage software company, that is just too much for them, since they are such a small company and this is their first ever game.
I'd like something like this. I play on Survival, but honestly I feel like Very Hard and Survival are in many respects less immersive than simply playing on normal. Yes, it's more difficult...but only because you have to keep blasting things over and over again. When a raider takes a shot to the head from my two shot .50 sniper rifle and keeps coming at me...it just breaks the realism. I totally get that Fallout has never been about 'realism' as such, but I'd rather see increased difficult manifested in the form of more enemies, and more skilled enemies instead of just turning everything into a bullet sponge.
This is why I use mods, the main one is 2x player and enemy damage, and more spawns, so there are more enemies. Running about 35 mods at the moment, and the game feels right.
I read alot of similar thread like this one.
What i think is ppl fail to see that the game isnt design as a survival realistic game, that mean dmg isnt intent to be realistic, same go for food/drink/sleep.
Fallout from Fallout 1 to Fallout 4 never had a "survival" aspect on the game.
The attempt that NV made was to add something challenge to the game (no for RPG or make the game more realistic) but it fail to provide a real challenge since the Hard-core mode was really irrelevant after 5m.
If u want realism or survival aspects u need to go and find a game design for that. Fallout isnt that.
That's all this guy does, go into threads and tell people ''omg u dont liek it play another gaem''.
Pointing out advice i often give people isn't a productive counter argument and adds nothing to the discussion... besides... why do you care so much?
So game about post nuclear war survival newer had survival aspect? Now that's new! And I thought scavenging for food, water, ammo, weapons, tools and materials is survival. I thought removing radiation sickness is survival. I thought that healing and fixing crippled limbs is survival. I thought crafting weapons and ammo is survival. I thought trying to not get eaten by hungry mutants is survival. I thought purifying water is survival. I thought cooking food and making helpful drugs is survival. I also thought planting crops and building water wheels is survival. Building up defences seemed like survival to me.
Sleeping, eating food, drinking were part of all Fallouts starting with Fallout 1 I have played. You guys must have being playing some other Fallout then. Probably one from totally different universe where nuclear war newer happened and Fallout is bungee jumping simulator.
u really need to go play a Survival game, and then come and play Fallout 1 or 2, those games like Fallout 3 and 4, and not made to be survival games.
LOL by your logic any game is a survival game, lol WoW should be a surivival game. -.- since i can eat, and sleep on WoW too. -.-
Played very different fallouts then. Never once have I needed to drink, eat or sleep in FO1, 2 or 3. They are all options for other benefits (or non at all in some cases) main use was to heal health damage, which isn't the same as survival where you need to eat, drink and sleep to fill specific requirements.
You don't need to build defences, plant or harvest food or craft anything in the game to survive or complete it. It's optional parts for other benefits. Building defences is not for the player but settlements. Planting food again for settlements not the player. Crafting is to add a few small items that most people sell rather than use and to customise their weapons, not survival.
I used an natural needs mod in Skyrim, it was purely immersion nothing else. You run into way more food than you need, water would be an bit more problematic, probably make it better to add small water purifiers around, stil the few rads you get from drinking dirty water is no big deal.
Notice that the trade network also send purified water around.
This would also require longer days and a sleeping bag to not be stupid. Accept no campfire as you not only cook the food but also remove radiation.
You can also sit and watch menu screen for two days. Because everything in Fallout is optional. It's a game.