I've really enjoyed fallout so far, but we need a hardcoe mode (preferably with some options at the start menu)
Scrounging would be so much more rewarding if we needed to eat food and drink water (finally that irradiated water would serve a purpose and radaway would have more value and be more valuable to us) and an option to give ammo weight would also be really cool. I mean, seriously my guy walks around with like 40 mini nukes and 60 missiles.
Maybe even requiring some sleep would be neat. All optional, but it'd add an entirely different level of survival to the game
On PS4 so mods are not yet a thing, would like to see an official dev version anyway. We have survival mode but that just turns the weakest enemy into requiring 300 rounds to put down, so it's not really the same thing.
Edit: This sort of stuff would be optional for those who don't want it, but having to drink especially would be good because there's so much irradiated water. You'd have to balance need and risk.
Otherwise the irraditated water is pointless because you never ever need to use it so it's not a threat.
Irradiated water should be a threat in the wasteland, and a necessity. Some of us would enjoy having to actually survive.
If you prefer to run around the wateland with 3 billion pounds of ammo and no need to ever drink the water or worry about rads, cool, but NV had a really neat mode that fallout 4 lacks...