when you are sitting down and you eat something from they should put like a video or something showing you eating or drinking whatever you got also if there is something on the table you have the option to get it or eat it and the same if you chose to eat it you can see yourself eating or drinking it in 1st or 3rd person view. And also when you talk to a random person you have the option to type what you want to say.
First of all, 2 things:
1. Please use punctuation marks, it will make understanding your text easier.
2. When you say "X should have Y", you should explain why, otherwise you sound like some ignorant dictator.
On topic though... I would never want them to pull the camera into 3rd person for anything. For me it breaks immersion. If they could manage to do it in first-person, why not.
And about typing what you want to say... it has already been done. In the 80s and 90s (adventure games, FO1). The technology just isn't ready for that yet and I don't think it will be anytime soon.