The game is actually very close to what I thought it was going to be except the fact that I just misunderstood the whole seamless multiplayer and singleplayer. If they had a better storyline for singleplayer it would be so much more enjoyable. But honestly, I love the game.
Also, 9,000+ xp each game? Who do you play against? Bots?
Really? You expected a game that was able to be completed FULLY in 3 hours? Advancement and whatnot. Story that was so underwritten my 8yr old could predict what was happening next.
Nope.....Co-Op with friends and mutli stuff. Not hard to soldier it up with scavenger and other helpful 'perks' Hand out ammo....kill enemy...scavenge...hand out ammo...kill....escort....kill....ammo resupply....kill...hand out.....hand out.....Change class to do objective cause the team is trying to play TDM (which is a mode I hate) it.....Soldier it up some more.
Wash, rinse, repeat......
The points RACK UP. 7,500 to 9,000xp a game depending on if you want to complete the objectives or just kill-[censored] it up is very capable.