» Mon May 16, 2011 11:36 pm
For future reference, this Exnem texture on Robert's Female Body meshes happens because Slof's Better Beasts, though intended for Robert's Male and Robert's Female, incorporates different texture paths for Khajiit than Robert's Male and Female do, namely the ones from TFF. You removed the "Body-F"-tag and it worked, because now the original Robert's Female plugin is in control of the texture paths for Khajiit again. The Exnem texture itself, if I recall correctly from your last post, came from installing the EVE Fix you were using earlier.
Importing something into the bashed patch, as far as I remember, requires it to also be activated. While what is imported into the patch will of course stay used all the time (unless there's something with the same tag loading later of course), also load order will play a significant role to decide if everything else in the plugin will stay used as well.
That's why Slof's BB overwrote your racial settings then.
"Merging" plugins though is not the same as importing because, as far as I remember, bash tags will have no use then, thus the tagged features won't survive another "merged" plugin loading later changing the same.
Please somebody correct me, if anything's wrong with my assumptions.