Just going by the track record when it came to Oblivion and the last 2 fallout games. All of which seemed to be released sooner then they should have, riddled with bugs and lacking polish. Though official patches and user created mods over the months post released improved these games A LOT! I am wondering if we can expect the same with Sky Rim.
Well it's a Bethesda game, they are always worth getting on the first day. Also, Oblivion was well worth getting right away imo. Frankly, if a game isn't worth getting until 3-6 months after it comes out, it isn't worth getting at all.
LMAO at the people in this thread saying TES IV had no issues. All you had to do was take a quick glance at the Hardware Support section to see all the countless gamers who couldn't play the game they paid for on launch day. Everyone says Bethesda is doing a better job this time around and I really hope so. I personally have had so much frustration with TES IV when it was released that I will wait about 2 months before even trying TES V and if it's awesome then Bethesda will have regained a customer.
Things don't always work the same for everyone. I have made like 20+ different characters in Oblivion and I've only come across of a handful of bugs in Oblivion and none of them game breaking.