Don't let the number fool you. Four pounds is no joke for a sword. I have a sword that weighs just under three pounds and it's a real workout just trying to swing it without dropping it. You should watch the director's commentary on Conan the Barbarian if you have it on DVD. They talk about how the sword he had weighed about four pounds and that even for Arnold it was no easy task swinging that thing around.
are... you serious?
i have a real claymore, and i dont have any problem wielding one, even with one hand. :mellow:
kinda weird imagining such big men having trouble with a simple sword... guess muscles arent everything, huh?
anyway, back to the topic... i dont see why a dual claymore-wielding enemy is something we need, dragons are going to be pretty hard to kill, is that not enough?
giants are also pretty tough, from what i heard... i remember reading a hands-on preview of someone getting killed in one hit from a giant after running into a giant camp, forgot whose it was.