Dying light 2: post apocalyptic.
Everything that was wrong in that game is wrong in this game. Mobs spawning in the middle of your settlement after you secure it, constant crashing, dropped conversations, horrible dialogue/choices, ultra fast respawns, infinite xp/cap areas, bad mob level scaling, svcky crafting, etc... all that's missing is climbing buildings. I think you even have the voice actor for the male protagonist from Dying Light, it sounds a lot like him.
I can see that the developers of Fallout 4 are trying to bring a little bit of RPG to FPS players but they screwed the RPG players and fans of the series by doing so. With Fallout New Vegas being such a huge hit, they should of had Obsidian continue the series with oversight. This game feels rushed, it needed at least 6 months more critical play testing and developer fixes before being released.
You cant take away skill points (how good someone is at doing something) and then tell players when they can get the next level of a perk (which is supposed to be a booster or special ability) that is replacing skill points that would improve how they want to play the game. I have to wait 8-10 levels to get the next rank in a perk...why? The protagonist is a military vet, but needs 10 levels of "practice" before he can be better at shooting an automatic weapon? Some of these perks look like they were developed by stoned teenagers..oh wait stoned play testers and developers same thing. Idiot savant? If you have 1-2 intelligence (minimal xp for everything all the time) and you might get a rare chance at a single instance of getting xp that you would had a high int?. Intimidation you have to wait 49 levels to command a pacified person? Vans...you took clairvoyance from skyrim and put it in this game? The game already has a map and a location marker...why waste a perk slot on this? I could go on and on.
There were so many obvious things missed by play testers; frag mines not giving xp when disarmed, only able to disarm bottlecap mines sometimes, there are locations that wont let you. not being able to improve helmets or scrapping most armor items, no indicator which armor can be worn under heavier armor, not being able to keep mods when scrapping weapons, follower kills yields no xp for the player, mobs warping while hitting you from range and melee, bodies falling through the world, all the problems with the Pip Boy UI btw the pre war year is 2077 not 1950 if they can make a recon scope they can make a 3d map, incorrect perk bonus with the skill books; regardless of the number of books obtained, only the base bonus is displayed so the player doesn't know if he is getting the full bonus or not, weapon recoil; regardless how strong you are, caliber, armor mods sniper rifles and some pistols always recoil, but the same isn't true for the mobs, not able to pick up and move most items. I cant pick up and move most things I kill and random small low weight items. For instance mole rats, after I kill them the game tells me some of them are too heavy or doesn't recognize my attempt to pick them up, but I can move the occasional super mutant? Why cant the player create unique saves? etc...
Vats is broken, time only slows for you and the selected target(s) in vats everything else moves at normal speed. Vats always targets the enemy furthest away at the body part hardest to hit. I always get "you have zero chance at hitting that" even though I moved the target area to center mass. If the kill cam comes on and the kill shot hits, I am usually dead as the mobs outside Vats are beating/shooting me to death during that time since they are moving at normal speed. If you aren't going to fix it, at least offer the option to turn the kill cam off
The plot hammering is insane. I understand FPS players are used to being led around by the nose and being told by the game what to do next, but this is ridiculous. Instead of the Vault 111 area being a prelude as there is no time stamp to reference and letting the player choose how they want the character to exist in Dying Light 2, the player is forced to be a minuteman with those never ending quests, but your number 1 priority is looking for your son? Even if you refuse to be a minuteman, the quest is still in you tracker and settlers in your settlement give you the same set of quests. Preston Garvey states he cant help the settlements due to him protecting sanctuary, but yet you can have him as a companion and leave sanctuary. Ah yeah the minuteman general thing..stupid.. Even if you skip sanctuary altogether and help a settlement you still get the minuteman dialogue options. Having to manage several settlements is silly, this isn't civilization but that's what they did in Dying Light. Being forced into a specific good guy character role removes the open play feel that was key in FNV. There isn't faction building in this game, but at the same time the game has you as a minuteman even if you join BoS you are still a minuteman. BoS has quest triggers that wait until you completed at least 75% of the quest list even if you already have the required info/quest item/kill. The quest for the son sticks a lot with key npcs dropping conversation/crashing that its hard to recover from especially on console if the game saves past the point of no return.
Settlement building should have been building up a single location and maintaining it as a base, with the option to maintain other settlements. There should have been an in-game tutorial, having sturges tell the player what he wants isn't a tutorial, the view during item placement should be more of an overhead angle to make it easier for the player to place items/defenses, allow players to stretch fences with posts and then tell them what the material costs would be, don't count the Brahmin as settlers, give the players ways to clear and level the ground in their settlements to make it easier to plant and set up defenses, allow turrets to be placed on defense positions/tables/furniture that can support the weight. Settlers need to be smarter, most just stand there even if they are assigned a job/position. I don't understand why the player wasn't informed that the settlers have access to the workshop inventory and use the players power armor, etc...
Obsidians FNV set the standard for the series that many players hoped Bethesda could obtain and surpass, but it fell short in so many ways. The game needs a lot more work and re-launched