I think these are good ideas, but I also feel that there needs to be more. A better way to play that enhances the strategy side of this game, because let's face it this game isn't about skill at the moment. Being the Overseer means you need to be a tactician and playing into that is keep to enhance the gameplay.
I'd suggest (and not all of these are things that can be instantly added, but might take some time to create):
1) Scavenge mode - where you can send a group of your dwellers into the wasteland. A new screen will take you to different places (caves, raider camps, 'abandoned' vaults, desolate cities, enclave compounds, et al). It would be set up with a 2D view just like looking at your own vault but you'd have to use different SPECIAL to gain access to different rooms, lockers, storage, vaults or to help rescue/heal captives/slaves, find special hidden objects, ect ect. The idea is you only have X number of dwellers to work with who only care a certain amount of supplies. Quick down side is it doesn't make much sense being an Overseer and having control over your people whilst in the wastelands but hey you can tell explorers to return when they are hours away so I guess it somehow can make sense, right?!
2) Variable Attacker Strategies - at the moment the attacks are bland. Raiders die at the vault door room with two dwellers with any rare gun equipped. Deathclaws are a bit harder but with plenty of firepower you can kill them within the first 5 rooms. There needs to be more threats that spread differently throughout the vault. One thing I liked in Final Fantasy XII was the use of gambits on each character. Gambits, for those that don't know what I'm talking about, allowed for a set of protocols to be followed based certain things going on in battle. Example: if the scenario is 'HP is <40%' then the action taken is 'cast:Cure' (or 'Use Stimpak' in FOS).
So in the game it could be useful to set it so the scenario might be 'Endurance is <4' then the action would be 'Flee room from: Deathclaw.' Also 'Level <10' then 'Flee room from: Deathclaw.' No any dwellers under 4 End AND/OR under lvl 10 will flee to an empty room. They could call this the 'Vault Protocol' screen, which the Overseers can set upto 10 'rules' that dwellers will follow when incidents happen.
This may sound like it is making the game easier but what it affords is for the deathclaws now to come in packs of about 6-8 and instead of all going into the same room they can split up and attack many rooms. It also allows for my next suggestion.
3) System Failures - Imagine that your vault has just been hit with raiders. I doubt the only thing raiders want to do it steal food, water, caps, and energy. They probably also want to leave you crippled with broken computers, cut wires, broken lab equipment, ect. Now would be a great time to use those high in SPECIAL to repair your vault. After a raid, your dwellers will go back to their assigned rooms but the rooms will have certain negative attribute now that will need repairing. So in the Med Bay/Chem Lab you'll have to use someone with high END and INT to know how to clean up the radioactive materials that are now spilt everywhere in the room, or else your dwellers assigned to that room will exponentially gain radiation poisoning. Or your dining room equipment has been tipped over, so now you produce less food unless you use people with STR to reset the equipment. With so many possible System Fails that could happen you would have to choose your gambits carefully since you are limited. This will make it more interesting than just placing people with one SPECIAL to a room.
Just a few thoughts I had.