I'd have to agree with Styles on this one. Women like jerks. You say that he is powerful and that he has a strong will, and while those are admirable characteristics, they are characteristics that he shares with people aren't so admirable. Hitler is a prime example. He was powerful and strong willed, but you probably don't like him very much. You might say that Caesar isn't as bad as Hitler, and while that may be true, he still does some messed up [censored].
Hitler Ate Sugar isn't a reasonable argument

And I have yet to meet a woman who likes somebody specifically because he's a jerk- more often, he's only a jerk to everybody else. Women like people who impress them based on their values, in my experience.
I like Caesar as a character. He's the ultimate example of badass ambition, yet manages to be laid back and personable, whether it's a trick or not. I'm not saying he doesn't allow/do some seriously messed up things, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone in the Mojave who does not have a bad side. Supporting Caesar depends on what you personally consider to be the greatest sin, and what you consider to be the highest honor.
I appreciate the Legion because I think it's methods have a prayer in hell of avoiding another nuclear apocalypse 1,000 years down the line. That's the line I don't think many people are looking at. The society of the Old World directly led to the Great War, and repeating the past like the NCR, the Followers, the Enclave, & even Mr. House are doing is only going to lead to the same end. The definition of insanity is repeating something without changing the parameters and expecting a different result.
That said, I am a firm Independent supporter for the time being.