Caesar holds attraction for people because he is the emobodiment of achievement through pure force of will. The article does more than just discuss his personal charisma, it also discusses his achievements. I also don't believe that he is like the guy with the little mo, whom the world rightly despises. He is the Alexander of his day. There is no evidence that suggests he is motivated purely by self interest, in fact the conversations that you have with him indicate the complete opposite. The only thing that I agree with from the anti-Caesar posts is that his view on women needs to change, but overall....
True to Caesar!
You know, Hitler was doing humanity a favor too, well, at least according to him he was. So was Stalin, and countless Roman dictators.
Point in short, people tend to warp things in their mind. Caesar preaches he is progressive, but seeing as he completely pisses away modern technology for tribal gear, shuns medical tools (Aside from his personal autodoc because he's the leader, it's okay if HE breaks his doctrine right? :spotted owl: )
The Legion is a case of good intentions gone bad. His legion is a wave of brainwashed chimps who can't see beyond their loyalty to Caesar to the point were I'm surprised their language isn't 'Caesar Caesar Caesar?' 'Caesar, Caesar!' Besides, it's obvious the legion doesnt believe in the Legion, if it did, it's say 'True to The Legion'. It's so blindly rooted in Caesar that even Caesar can't see past his bloody ego. :shrug: