When I play Halo Reach, I like blowing stuff up. I don't care who's in the mix, I like lobbing grenades and other explosives like confetti on the 4th of July, it's just who I am.. When I do this, there's inevitably someone on my team trying to melee the guy Im blowing up, and thus he gets killed. He then kicks me.
That's why I stick to FFA. I don't think there's a FFA mode in L4D, is there?
Yeah, explosives are kinda iffy there. But you should know when it's okay to throw one, and the team mate should know when explosives are about to be used, so not get too close. It's one of those silent agreement things. Maybe you can control your collateral damage against your team, by throwing it too far left or right. Both people involved kinda have to be a little psychic.
For the most part, online playing with random people svckS. You have people talking trash about your name over a mic, people with loud music in the background, and blatant team betrayers. You get all set to do some damage and save the day, and your buddy puts a shotgun to your head and teabags your corpse. If it wasn't for complete ass-hats like these, online gaming would be addictive. So I guess I have them to thank that I don't pay for Gold membership anymore.