But i am german, and was wondering which race in game most represents the germanic ethnicity. i thought maybe Breton but aparently they are french.
any suggestions would be awesome!
But i am german, and was wondering which race in game most represents the germanic ethnicity. i thought maybe Breton but aparently they are french.
any suggestions would be awesome!
The Germanic tribes settled ancient Scandinavia, so Nord.
Nords are the closest representatives of the Germanic peoples.
Germanic people such as the Dutch and the Germans are most similar to Nords.
Bretons make a better fit for Celts.
Guten tag. Welcome to the boards. Someone give him a fishy stick.
I honestly think the orcs are more like the Germans to be honest. Nords are more Norwegian and Swedish. Obviously us Germans are not as ugly as orcs, but consider Orsinium was sacked and rebuilt several times and occupied, just like Germany. Not to mention the Germans were a lot more tribal than the Scandinavians, just like the orcs.
I don't see it. A lot of countries were sacked and rebuilt, it's not enough to make a direct comparison.
Orcs are more like Mongols or Scythians with their confederated tribes and warfare traditions.
Oh, and Orcs aren't ugly.
A lot of them are pretty fugly, some arent, ill give you that. But the mongols, really? I dont recall them whiping out an entire society, plus the orcs are the ones that are constantly under attack, the mongols were the ones constantly attacking everyone.
Scandinavians have quite alot in common with the Germanics, in my opinion. I believe their deities are very similar to the Norse. They both believed in gods such as Odin (Wodan in Germanic deities.)
Germanic tribes wasn't just Germany. The Dutch and the Flemish were Germanic aswell.
And orcs aren't ugly, they're badass.
Orcs compared to Mongols seems pretty far fetched. Nearly every group of people back then was warlike.
I'd say that Orcish armor has some sort of Mongol influence aswell. Especially the helmet.
Only the helmet. But their culture is as far from mongol as possible.
Yeah the helmet looks similar but Mongols preferred much lighter armor for speed. Most of the time news of the approaching Mongol army arrived after a city had been sacked.
Exactly. I still say the orcs are more like the tribal german tribes, not the nords, the nords were more like the vikings.