» Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:52 pm
You swear ALOT, maybe you should see someone about that? Let the fanboys enjoy the game, children believe in santa and the easter bunny, would you realy take that joy away from a child? Not all fanboys like putting genitalia in their mouth, but you seem to like the idea of people doing that so I won't judge your fetish. Secondly, you forget that some people aren't hardcoe gamers, these people don't look at a wall in the game and go "OMFG THERE IS NO F'ING TEXTURE WTF!!!??!?!?!?!?!!?", they just have fun, I like these people as they are fun to be around so please don't mock them, they just don't see the errors,it's not their fault. The hardcoe gamers who find fault are those weirdos living in their parents basemant and will die virgins(I hope after saying this I don't die a virgin - touch wood), let them complain, thats all they have, why not pitty them instead of swearing at them. You know some teachers put alot of pressure on others, pointing out all their faults, not because they hate the person, but because they see potential that is being wasted and they are angry, they have a right to be angry. You say your part of group 4, but your actualy part of the group that moans at (insert example) and your just doing it for no apparent reason, you think telling people they are idiots or whores is a form of constructive criticism? I hope you realise how pointless your little rant was(though I know you don't and your going to start swearing at me or something [you or someone else]) . Thanks for wasting my time, I regret reading this post. Just a shame it took so long for me to realise it. Oh well.