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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:28 am

I think cooldudsubho is the first person who posts in this thread who is in group 1, 2 or 3

yup... obvious troll is obvious :)
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:00 am

^And there is a sixth group who have a tendency to call anyone troll.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:29 pm

^And there is a sixth group who have a tendency to call anyone troll.

please leave this post already if you really have nothing to contribute
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:06 am

I think cooldudsubho is the first person who posts in this thread who is in group 1, 2 or 3
No... He is not the first...
Who r u to judge or classify people?

Ohh! u r the best! the almighty God, the king of the world!

Sorry for our lack of knowledge and for being so noob!

Go away u retard!
He might be the first... Even if this is some kind of contribution to the thread...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:58 am

I think cooldudsubho is the first person who posts in this thread who is in group 1, 2 or 3
No... He is not the first...
Who r u to judge or classify people?

Ohh! u r the best! the almighty God, the king of the world!

Sorry for our lack of knowledge and for being so noob!

Go away u retard!
He might be the first... Even if this is some kind of contribution to the thread...

you say he is not the first and then you say he is the first - lulwut contradiction?
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:14 am

Good post. With out all the swearing would helped make it better. To those who can't be bothered reading the full OP - don't reply you don't have the right you don't know everything that was said. Like some one who doesn't vote has no right to compalin about the politicians that get elected. I'd say I'm a member of group 4.

I used to be a fairly serious gamer about 10 years ago (yeah yeah I'm a old fart now right?) but about 9 months ago I got back in to gaming and it was Crysis that did it. I don't get much time to game, maybe a couple of hours a week. A week ago I finished Warhead campaign. Throughly enjoyed it but it ended all too soon. So I went purchased Crysis 2.

Is Crysis 2 as good a game as the original? No but it is growing on me - slowly. Will I enjoy it as much as the original not likely. I can give you a long list of annoyances. Perhaps the biggest bit of advice I could give Crytek is don't give PC gamers the same game as you do for consoles. It's too dumbed down for PC - we thumb our noses at console players but you've given us a console game in effect. By dumbed down I mean less control eg where's prone? and graphics tweaks - seriously you didn't expect us to take 3 options and that's it? We are the orignal fan base and alot of those customers are pretty ticked off. I understand why the cross platform thing has occured, consoles are a huge part of the market and developing games is an expensive excerise in an ever increasingly crowded marketplace. But you should never forget your roots.

I think some of the PC part of the Crysis 2 community needs to grow up while others really need to realise that it's a flawed game. As a whole we should try and work with Crytek to get them to produce a great expansion pack for PC only that addresses a lot of our concerns ala Warhead. I propose it should be a Crysis 2 prequel - tie up some of those loose threads with Phsyco & Nomad.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:24 pm

you say he is not the first and then you say he is the first - lulwut contradiction?
Please notice, that one quote was from "MRX9" and the other one from "cooldudsubho"... ;)
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Your Mum
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:15 am

Nice post...
However, call me a moron, but I think that the MP in Crysis 1 was much better as Crysis 2 MP.
Why? Because Power Struggle was interesting and new. You had to do more than just running around and killing people. You could play one round for 1h and it was still fun... There is nothing like this in Crysis 2 with its small maps...
Nevertheless, nice post :)

Btw: "With brain hated by everyone else" group +1

Power struggle was also a mess. That's my reason for hating it

Also to the OP: nice book you got there. I read like barely any of it
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:17 am

funny how you can't even reply to what i said about your first post...[/quote]

oh I disregard replys like your first one, it's nothing personal, we would have just argued, your points are valid and it would have wasted both our time.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:38 am

Nice post...
However, call me a moron, but I think that the MP in Crysis 1 was much better as Crysis 2 MP.
Why? Because Power Struggle was interesting and new. You had to do more than just running around and killing people. You could play one round for 1h and it was still fun... There is nothing like this in Crysis 2 with its small maps...
Nevertheless, nice post :)

Btw: "With brain hated by everyone else" group +1

Power struggle was also a mess. That's my reason for hating it

Also to the OP: nice book you got there. I read like barely any of it

well then im glad i didn't keep you from playing Call of Duty - aka can't go a minute without a shot being fired/stuff being blown up...

It would be much nicer if you actually read over OP before replying - but beggars cant be choosers right?

BTW - you're one of the defo group 3
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:47 am

Well.. I never played Crysis or Warhead (but I will!), so I am new to Crytek's games and I started with Crysis 2. I agree to nearly all of your arguments because I know games and developers, which fail. They fail hard, and I know what they do wrong. But they won't listen. I think Crytek did an amazing job with Crysis 2, but when I see the cars, which I kick against the pillars and it leaves cracks on them, it's fantastic. But that's not everywhere, it's nearly nowhere. That's bad, though MP is fun to play. I hope, they will remind themselves that they started with PC and shall improve the games for PC, because the PC just maxes out everything. If Crysis 2 had better physics (they are not that bad, aren't they?), a bit better graphic (I like the graphic, it doesn't need an improvement - but an improvement wouldn't be wrong) and those features which are in SP (like grabbing stuff, lean etc.) and more destruction, it would be great. Sure, stealth is OP in SP, but only if you use it in a OP way. I never just went through the enemies, I killed all of 'em. Of course I used stealth a lot, but not like "I'm just running through the levels! x3". I used it like I should, means, SURPRISE - I am here! Pew Pew! Can be that I didn't answer to all your arguments or that I didn't answer to your ...erm.."sayings"..., I wrote from my memory of your post. :3
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:33 pm


I'm glad you read through it and I highly recommend Crysis and Warhead :)
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:44 am

Good post. With out all the swearing would helped make it better. To those who can't be bothered reading the full OP - don't reply you don't have the right you don't know everything that was said. Like some one who doesn't vote has no right to compalin about the politicians that get elected. I'd say I'm a member of group 4.

I used to be a fairly serious gamer about 10 years ago (yeah yeah I'm a old fart now right?) but about 9 months ago I got back in to gaming and it was Crysis that did it. I don't get much time to game, maybe a couple of hours a week. A week ago I finished Warhead campaign. Throughly enjoyed it but it ended all too soon. So I went purchased Crysis 2.

Is Crysis 2 as good a game as the original? No but it is growing on me - slowly. Will I enjoy it as much as the original not likely. I can give you a long list of annoyances. Perhaps the biggest bit of advice I could give Crytek is don't give PC gamers the same game as you do for consoles. It's too dumbed down for PC - we thumb our noses at console players but you've given us a console game in effect. By dumbed down I mean less control eg where's prone? and graphics tweaks - seriously you didn't expect us to take 3 options and that's it? We are the orignal fan base and alot of those customers are pretty ticked off. I understand why the cross platform thing has occured, consoles are a huge part of the market and developing games is an expensive excerise in an ever increasingly crowded marketplace. But you should never forget your roots.

I think some of the PC part of the Crysis 2 community needs to grow up while others really need to realise that it's a flawed game. As a whole we should try and work with Crytek to get them to produce a great expansion pack for PC only that addresses a lot of our concerns ala Warhead. I propose it should be a Crysis 2 prequel - tie up some of those loose threads with Phsyco & Nomad.

i agree with you even though i have played the first two games through multiple number of time.

at the start the game didn't seem quite the "Crysis" but after a couple of hours you are starting to immerse yourself in the world and it certainly looks the part - destroyed building and streets etc.

Story could have been a bit better but it doesn't fall apart and it does have a nicely built up sequences
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Eve Booker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:50 am

Good post. With out all the swearing would helped make it better. To those who can't be bothered reading the full OP - don't reply you don't have the right you don't know everything that was said. Like some one who doesn't vote has no right to compalin about the politicians that get elected. I'd say I'm a member of group 4.

I used to be a fairly serious gamer about 10 years ago (yeah yeah I'm a old fart now right?) but about 9 months ago I got back in to gaming and it was Crysis that did it. I don't get much time to game, maybe a couple of hours a week. A week ago I finished Warhead campaign. Throughly enjoyed it but it ended all too soon. So I went purchased Crysis 2.

Is Crysis 2 as good a game as the original? No but it is growing on me - slowly. Will I enjoy it as much as the original not likely. I can give you a long list of annoyances. Perhaps the biggest bit of advice I could give Crytek is don't give PC gamers the same game as you do for consoles. It's too dumbed down for PC - we thumb our noses at console players but you've given us a console game in effect. By dumbed down I mean less control eg where's prone? and graphics tweaks - seriously you didn't expect us to take 3 options and that's it? We are the orignal fan base and alot of those customers are pretty ticked off. I understand why the cross platform thing has occured, consoles are a huge part of the market and developing games is an expensive excerise in an ever increasingly crowded marketplace. But you should never forget your roots.

I think some of the PC part of the Crysis 2 community needs to grow up while others really need to realise that it's a flawed game. As a whole we should try and work with Crytek to get them to produce a great expansion pack for PC only that addresses a lot of our concerns ala Warhead. I propose it should be a Crysis 2 prequel - tie up some of those loose threads with Phsyco & Nomad.

i agree with you even though i have played the first two games through multiple number of time.

at the start the game didn't seem quite the "Crysis" but after a couple of hours you are starting to immerse yourself in the world and it certainly looks the part - destroyed building and streets etc.

Story could have been a bit better but it doesn't fall apart and it does have a nicely built up sequences

Story was amazing in Crysis 2 way better than warhead, which had a weak plot and no twists, with a really pathetic ending (the final boss fight was a joke, it wasn't even a new alien, just a rehash). Come on, Crysis 2 is really a good game, flawed to the bone, but underneath it all is a great story and tons of action. I hope I'm not the only one who knew Crysis 2 was going to have a new look and feel. If you didn't notice that Warhead was more action orientated that the original Crysis then...well you know. I am a Crysis fanboy, I played Crysis through 8 times, (finished Warhead once but thought it was ****, you propably think thats weird, but it was basically a Cryisis " 'splosion mod" with nothing new, gameplay wise, to offer those of us who wasted away jacking-off to Crysis and all it had to offer). To be honest Crysis 2 would never have lived up to our expectations. We were waiting for a game that was not humanly possible to make (come-on you know it's true). Is it just me or do the aliens come way to soon in Crysis 2 (feel so helpless against them, Cell is way more fun to fight against). We are all dissapointed in Crysis 2, but slap on another name, remove profit, call the nano suit a power suit and you would be prazing this game. (think about that for a second). Play Crysis 2 a second time (hardest difficulty ofcourse) and play it real slow, kill all there is to kill, explore every inch of the map and try every weopon, you will see the extent of detail that went into each map and the possibilities the new suit offers. It's a great game, like a diamond, you've got to dig through the dirt to find that which is so precious.
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 pm

Good post. With out all the swearing would helped make it better. To those who can't be bothered reading the full OP - don't reply you don't have the right you don't know everything that was said. Like some one who doesn't vote has no right to compalin about the politicians that get elected. I'd say I'm a member of group 4.

I used to be a fairly serious gamer about 10 years ago (yeah yeah I'm a old fart now right?) but about 9 months ago I got back in to gaming and it was Crysis that did it. I don't get much time to game, maybe a couple of hours a week. A week ago I finished Warhead campaign. Throughly enjoyed it but it ended all too soon. So I went purchased Crysis 2.

Is Crysis 2 as good a game as the original? No but it is growing on me - slowly. Will I enjoy it as much as the original not likely. I can give you a long list of annoyances. Perhaps the biggest bit of advice I could give Crytek is don't give PC gamers the same game as you do for consoles. It's too dumbed down for PC - we thumb our noses at console players but you've given us a console game in effect. By dumbed down I mean less control eg where's prone? and graphics tweaks - seriously you didn't expect us to take 3 options and that's it? We are the orignal fan base and alot of those customers are pretty ticked off. I understand why the cross platform thing has occured, consoles are a huge part of the market and developing games is an expensive excerise in an ever increasingly crowded marketplace. But you should never forget your roots.

I think some of the PC part of the Crysis 2 community needs to grow up while others really need to realise that it's a flawed game. As a whole we should try and work with Crytek to get them to produce a great expansion pack for PC only that addresses a lot of our concerns ala Warhead. I propose it should be a Crysis 2 prequel - tie up some of those loose threads with Phsyco & Nomad.

i agree with you even though i have played the first two games through multiple number of time.

at the start the game didn't seem quite the "Crysis" but after a couple of hours you are starting to immerse yourself in the world and it certainly looks the part - destroyed building and streets etc.

Story could have been a bit better but it doesn't fall apart and it does have a nicely built up sequences

Story was amazing in Crysis 2 way better than warhead, which had a weak plot and no twists, with a really pathetic ending (the final boss fight was a joke, it wasn't even a new alien, just a rehash). Come on, Crysis 2 is really a good game, flawed to the bone, but underneath it all is a great story and tons of action. I hope I'm not the only one who knew Crysis 2 was going to have a new look and feel. If you didn't notice that Warhead was more action orientated that the original Crysis then...well you know. I am a Crysis fanboy, I played Crysis through 8 times, (finished Warhead once but thought it was ****, you propably think thats weird, but it was basically a Cryisis " 'splosion mod" with nothing new, gameplay wise, to offer those of us who wasted away jacking-off to Crysis and all it had to offer). To be honest Crysis 2 would never have lived up to our expectations. We were waiting for a game that was not humanly possible to make (come-on you know it's true). Is it just me or do the aliens come way to soon in Crysis 2 (feel so helpless against them, Cell is way more fun to fight against). We are all dissapointed in Crysis 2, but slap on another name, remove profit, call the nano suit a power suit and you would be prazing this game. (think about that for a second). Play Crysis 2 a second time (hardest difficulty ofcourse) and play it real slow, kill all there is to kill, explore every inch of the map and try every weopon, you will see the extent of detail that went into each map and the possibilities the new suit offers. It's a great game, like a diamond, you've got to dig through the dirt to find that which is so precious.

I'm with you on Crysis blowing away Warhead although it is still a fun story...nice to learn about what another Raptor team member was doing on the other side of the island. To me it was an expansion that was short and sweet. I as well have played through the original countless times and Warhead.

Where I disagree with you is that I absolutely think we could have gotten a game that met our expectations and more. Frankly I could live with some of the changes they made with the Nanosuit 2 and storyline, what kills me is how scaled back, dumbed down and limited the game is. Graphics, Menu/Advanced graphic options, limited movement controls etc, etc. I would honestly have been more happy with game if they would've left those things untouched for PC and just created the new story. I would have been even more excited if they would've made it more dense and creative.

I also don't agree that if you slapped a different name on it and gave things different titles that I would be prazing anything. The reason the Crysis franchise is so popular is becuase of how innovative and beautiful the original was, it's simply amazing. If C2 was the first title I'm not sure it could carry a franchise on its own. One thing is for sure though, it's debatable whether it's going to ensure future titles. It also would probably get tagged as a cheap knock off...frankly already is to much of the PC community, me included. Basically, if this weren't a Crysis title we wouldn't even be having this conversation, in fact I think the PC community would have just laughed at it and continued waiting for the next Crysis game.

Not that I completely hated C2 either, I have finished it three times, even with the SLI flickering and other issues. Twice on PC and once on Xbox on the hardest difficulty. I can agree that the more you play it the more things you find and experience but I wouldn't say it's a Diamond at all.

Basically, I'm so so very dissapointed. I have so much love for the originals and I beleive that C2 could have been so much more in every way. This is with all the bugs aside of course but I believe they can still save this game for others that feel the way I do. Simply by bringing back some of the old features which it seems (some) are on the way....eventually....hopefully.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:39 am

Yeah i agree with you two also.

Warhead just seemed like it should have been an expansion pack or at least a bonus campaign where as you mention "blow stuff up" - because thats what it was basically.

Only finnished warhead once - played till "All the fury" on my old PC (lowest settings at 1280x1024) - using a classical nVida's no-name card with 512RAM i think LOL - was pathetic!

Then when i got a new PC i played from All the Fury onwards on almost maxed at 1920x1080.

Must say - the last level was a massive shoot everything that moves fest - and i still cloaked past everyone and then sniped them ^_^

Yeah comparing to Crysis and Warhead Crysis 2 has a much stronger story line as you can see it was the main focus instead of the graphics.

However the disappointing part is the fact some of the massive plotholes that were implemented in favor of console players
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:00 am

Good post man.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:11 am

Good post man.

thank you :)
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:59 am

@ The-Gurhm: Everyone is complaining about the graphics, I agree the graphics options menu is a joke, but the performance the game offers is unmatched, Crysis 2 is the best looking game to date, those crappy pizza textures ect. don't bother me as that would be a waste of system resources. Due to piracy there is "no money" in pc gaming. I am amazed at what Crytek achieved, they put pc level graphics on a console, us pc guys hate those console guys, but we have to realise they are the majority. We have to accept that we won't be getting vary many "cutting-edge" games like Crysis (but I do not appreciate the lack of polish of Crysis 2, but honestly I couldn't of waited any longer for that game). As for the dumbed down movement; that was needed, the game is action-based, things like prone would just screw you over (cloak prone is a b!tch). Oh as for the game meating your expectations, just think, if they added all that which you wanted Crysis 2 would either be too short ect. (maybe not?). Your telling me a game with this level of graphics, this level of level design (LOL at "level of level" hahahaha it even spells lol if you take the first letters...I don't have ADHD, but it does seem like it) and this kind of story would have passed you by? Honestly? You should never buy a game because you liked the first one - never. Crysis 2 is not finished yet, I think we should all just wait a few months, when all the bugs have been ironed out, then continue this debate (if it even is one). Thanks for the reply, your opinion is greatly appreciated :D
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