This might make you rage

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:19 am

First of all let me begin this post by addressing those four group that are on the forum...

Firstly we have what i like to call useful trolls. Even though they might troll this forum - lets face it we get some LULZ out of them so i wouldn't be so pissed when i see one - this group possesses no threat to Crytek or gaming as a whole.

Secondly we have the first group of douchbag idiots that i like to call the "C***s". These are the people that cannot and will not stop picking flaws in a game - whatever the f**k it might be. They will sit there and just pick and pick away... Even a **** driving simulator such as Far Cry 2 did have some fun elements to it - beautiful scenery... Huge map... etc... But the flaws did outweigh the positive factors. These people are bad for any game developer as well as the entire gaming industry as a whole - they provide no bloody constructive criticism and just say "ITS BROKEN ITS F****D RUN AWAY!" - how is a dev gonna know what the hell they are trying to complain about?

Thirdly we have another group of morons called the "Fanboys with developers c**k stuck so far down their throat you can see it out of their arsehole". These are the pretty much complete opposite people - in view - to the "C***s" - but they are just as helpful as them. Basically this bunch of f**ktards cant notice a bloody flaw with the game and will just happily go on with their day svcking so much balls and c**k that they're making a Koren w***e jealous! They are no use in the gaming communities as they fail to spot any flaws and provide constructive f*****g criticism as they are afraid of hurting the dev's feeling - awwwww

Fourthly we have the race i like to call "With brain hated by everyone else" - this bunch of gamers is pretty much unaffected by nice reviews by GameSpot and IGN as we all know "parent" companies spend f**k load
of their marketing campaign money on paying those f*****s. I like to think of myself as being in this category but let me finish my post first. Basically this group of people will play game - and then give constructive criticism
and in doing so it butthurts the "C***s" and Fanboys with developers c**k stuck so far down their throat you can see it out of their arsehole" as they have either criticized their most favorite game or they gave praise to their most hated game.

Now that we got that out of the way... Lets get on the topics of all Crysis - Crytek - EA related.

First of all I would like to say how surprised I am that EA let Crytek make Crysis (1) such a massive PC exclusive - and what is even more baffling is how the hell did EA let Crytek spend so many years developing the bloody thing! I'm guessing someone either svcked a lot of b***s or EA was so impressed by Crysis graphics they thought it was going to get GOTY and hundreds of millions of sales. While the game wasn't awful by any means it was not a real candidate for GOTY as the story was pretty much held together with rusty staplers and Cello tape - and no graphics are not enough to give a game GOTY - otherwise Crysis would still be there after 4 f*****g years! Even though the story wasn't the most compelling - the game-play and graphics (if you had a super-computer back in the day!) could almost kick the story out of the window - whilst using Maximum Strength. See what Crysis did right was to break the trend of: get from A to B and blow everything thats anything human-looking to smithereens - now you have the Nanosuit and pseudo-open environment. This literally means you can approach every mission either with the intention of "Everything Dies" or "Stealthy ninja snipes guards sneaks past gets out unnoticed". This was the absolute pinnacle of Crytek's achievements! You might say the Nanosuit isn't original - for example Gordon Freeman from Half-Life series has his own suit - yes i have forgotten the name of it - but it was nothing like the Nanosuit! Could Freeman jump five meters - while causing heads of two guards to explode - then switch to speed mode sprint past the heavily defended guard-post followed by switching to armor and shooting everyone in the back? Or how about cloaking past the post - sneakily planting C4 everywhere - getting far away from the death-trap and watching the fireworks for a hill somewhere? Yes thats what Crysis offered - massive f*****g variety! The bigger problem of the game was however how poorly it was optimized - and by optimized i do not mean pretty shiny graphics - i mean even powerful PC's struggled and not only because of the graphical demands but also because the game was poorly coded to utilize the power of the GPU's to their maximum - even these days few cards are able to pull over 120 FPS in 1080p - and mind you that game was from 2007! Another disappointing part of Crysis was the multiplayer - the game never felt like there was an overall goal and the experience was about mediocre - that is if we forget about hackers running pretty much rampant. This brings me to the next point - Crysis had horrid after release support - I would go as far as saying worse than Infinity Ward - i I recall correctly there was one patch for Crysis and it came out x amount of months after release - i really do not remember - sorry.

What seem to have happened as Crytek and more importantly EA got the sale figures they noticed something; the game that was suppose to be the next (im assuming) killer of everything on the market - did not preform as well as they hoped. Perhaps it was because not everyone could run Crysis either without going into debt or having their poor little GPU exploding. Another factor was the lack-luster story - the game felt as if it ended was before it was suppose to! So EA goes to Crytek and basically tells them to use the "Game has been pirated too many times now PC can f**k off" excuse. We all know that the pirate stats for Crysis could have been worse and it is not as if X360 have any piracy - in fact the amount of pirated games is almost as high as on the PC! The real reason of course was to make more money - three consoles = x3 the profit? In theory...
However EA made Crytek rush their game way the hell too much - EA needs to recognize that legendary PC games are not made every year - thats right F**K YOU CALL OF DUTY crash and burn - look at Half-Life 2 one of the most defining games of the well EVER! The games was leaked before release and guess what? Was delayed a bit more - to the glee of all the HL2 fans I'm sure - and Valve didn't simply shrug their shoulders and wen't "Well that piracy for you we are not making any more games for you lot!". Instead they perfected the game and then released the masterpiece - while I am not a big fan of HL2 I realize it set the story standards for all the games to follow it. However when Crysis 2 beta was leaked - oh i didn't see THAT coming - Crytek threw their hands in the air and basically started Crying how PC gamers are evil and hate them - well OK maybe i am over exaggerating but you get the idea.

The main thing that could be perfected in Crysis 2 was pretty much thrown out of the window - the story - AGAIN! You have to buy comics and books about Crysis 2 to get a bit of the back-story (mind you i have ordered Crysis Legion and it should be coming soon i might review that ) - this is clear that it has been done to benefit the console player along with the simplified interface - press Start to play - hold F to look - adjust TV settings. All this however could have been forgiven if the story at least explained what happened to Psycho and Nomad! I mean this is a plot hole bigger than the bloody ozone layer. At least they could have said Psycho and Nomad had a crazy threesome with that scientist woman and they settled in LingShan - that would have been a pill less bitter to swallow than the massive nothing that filled it instead. So now you are Alcatraz - I'm assuming you're not playing prophet because of Crytek's racist approach - just kidding Nomad was probably black. So Crysis 2 is in NYC - wait am i hearing cries of open-world lovers? Did i hear someone call out corridor shooter? Well let me tell you Crysis 2 manages to avoid the path of boredom that COD decided to take - by boredom i mean 5 seconds won't pass without a shot being fired - so yeah Crysis 2 is not a corridor shooter - but it feels much less "open-worldey" than the first one. Having to think about this it might be because we are in a CITY - although i am still unsure. Crysis 2 successfully builds up from stealthy killing enemies to fighting entire squads on the streets to finally climixing and battling aliens on the streets of the NYC. Now that is a good buildup - and none of the new games compare to it. Crysis 2 ties to use RPG'esq element which seems to be borrowed from BioShock - collect nano-catalysts upgrade suit - become unstoppable killing machine. Fact is once you upgraded Cloak Enhance the game becomes EasyMode with training wheels attached. Basically you cal cloak behind every enemy up to the boss battle quite literally.
This is one of the letdowns as Post Human Warrior soon becomes Easy with soldiers that have strangely fast reactions. The story feels even shorter than the first game and annoyingly it reminds you of the fact it was developed for the consoles - NO TRUE PC GAME USES QUICK-TIME EVENTS! SERIOUSLY! - however there is enough variety in the missions to keep you busy for a couple of hours... Then there is the multiplayer - it can be summed up by two completely opposite statements "Epic Win" and "Epic Fail". Its a win because it improved so much on the original that that alone deserves a medal - as it is now playable and actually fun! Why is it a fail? Well because of the lack of anti cheat at release - did Crytek forget how Crysis suffered from the hacker plague? Over a month after release we are seeing some improvements but hackers are still there - just less of them. Multiplayer game-modes are balanced and fun I must admit and the lack of power struggle doesn't bother me as i wasn't really a big fan of that lack-luster-f**k.

Now the big part of Crysis - graphics. I am pretty much indifferent about Graphics as long as it looks like the game has been developed in last five years. For most players Crysis 2 graphics looks very good indeed - hey but remember - there are those who will get the DSG-1 (sniper rifle) and personally inspect every texture to make sure they are of the maximum resolution... Anyhow... Crysis 2 textures are literally half the size of the first game this just screams "POOOOOORRRRRTTTT" but at least the engine is more optimized! Now powerful PC's aren't stuttering and crying and the lower end machines can enjoy the good graphics while not compromising on the performance...

Next step for Crytek? Get more admins of the forums - only two is not enough and they do not contribute enough to the community for us to have any kind of bond with - sounds gay but it isn't i swear! We need admins who will say: "Ok this week this and that team from Crytek is working on gun balance - while those and those guys are working on anti cheat". We don't wanna hear - "Suggestions for 1.5 patch". It seems Crytek isn't even reading their own forums - or playing their game - if they are asking US to show them the flaws!

Now to explain something to those people who are in-denial. DX11 will not fix anything - game needs fixing before patch upgrades.

If you didn't notice - Crytek is releasing their SDK/SB3 because THEY PROBABLY WANNA START MAKING C3 - that means give the community modding tools that should keep them happy. Well no. Mods are only going to last a bit and without the developers support multiplayer will die...

Just one last message to Crytek - never charge PC gamers for DLC.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:45 am

Boy you must be bored tonight to write up all that.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:11 am

Boy you must be bored tonight to write up all that.

actually i just woke up :s
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:26 pm

Great post.. long, but great (only the insults *cough*) :D

Btw. people who are playing Crysis 2 think:
"Wow, the graphics are sooo awesome" but for people with really good PCs (like me) the graphics are such a huge letdown (i.e. NO POM, look at Skyline at the stone ground, it's flat oO)
So people with average PCs might think the graphics are good, but the other side, the FANBASE of Crysis ( I don't think people with average PCs played Crysis 1 on maximum ) were let down
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 pm

Chill winston, it's only a game.
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Da Missz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:40 am

Great post.. long, but great (only the insults *cough*) :D

Btw. people who are playing Crysis 2 think:
"Wow, the graphics are sooo awesome" but for people with really good PCs (like me) the graphics are such a huge letdown (i.e. NO POM, look at Skyline at the stone ground, it's flat oO)
So people with average PCs might think the graphics are good, but the other side, the FANBASE of Crysis ( I don't think people with average PCs played Crysis 1 on maximum ) were let down

yeah lack of POM is really a let down - but like i said it is not game-breaking
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:56 am

Once we get mods I am sure modder can get the best out of Crysis 2, but there is and will be forever the lack of physics.
I am sure the DirectX 11 patch includes POM (or tesselation has got the effect of POM?!?)
But first, Crytek needs to fix the bugs and of course COMMUNICATE with their community (if the community is so important for them)
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megan gleeson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:56 am

Nice post...
However, call me a moron, but I think that the MP in Crysis 1 was much better as Crysis 2 MP.
Why? Because Power Struggle was interesting and new. You had to do more than just running around and killing people. You could play one round for 1h and it was still fun... There is nothing like this in Crysis 2 with its small maps...
Nevertheless, nice post :)

Btw: "With brain hated by everyone else" group +1
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:29 am

Once we get mods I am sure modder can get the best out of Crysis 2, but there is and will be forever the lack of physics.
I am sure the DirectX 11 patch includes POM (or tesselation has got the effect of POM?!?)
But first, Crytek needs to fix the bugs and of course COMMUNICATE with their community (if the community is so important for them)

yep exactly. People forget that the GAME-play is the most important part of the game and instead they wanna play (i don't wanna say broken) "a game with lots of bugs and imperfections with pretty graphics"
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:04 pm

yep exactly. People forget that the GAME-play is the most important part of the game and instead they wanna play (i don't wanna say broken) "a game with lots of bugs and imperfections with pretty graphics"

I'd rather wait for Dx11 and have my game cheater (mostly) free and THEN I'm fine with getting better graphics. :)
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:49 am

so im guessing even this thread will die under a massive pile of junk... oh well
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:54 am

What group are you in codename? :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:27 am

What group are you in codename? :D

like i said - i think you can see from my post that im in the 4th group :D what about you?
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:17 pm

The problem is that the members of group 1-3 will never post something here, 'cause they don't understand the OP. On the other hand, if they understand, they will realize that their "old behavior" was wrong and they will start being members of group 4 :-?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:32 am

The problem is that the members of group 1-3 will never post something here, 'cause they don't understand the OP. On the other hand, if they understand, they will realize that their "old behavior" was wrong and they will start being members of group 4 :-?

you are 100% correct sir... They will see the OP and and think: I'm not going to bother reading all that thought out text... Thats why this isn't getting trolled... YET!
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:21 am

Crysis 2 does have good graphics.

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daniel royle
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:34 pm

The problem is that the members of group 1-3 will never post something here, 'cause they don't understand the OP. On the other hand, if they understand, they will realize that their "old behavior" was wrong and they will start being members of group 4 :-?

you are 100% correct sir... They will see the OP and and think: I'm not going to bother reading all that thought out text... Thats why this isn't getting trolled... YET!

Naa just most of people simply quit biching about everything and/or they get a life, and if someone really wan't to troll he will just post...


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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:38 pm

The problem is that the members of group 1-3 will never post something here, 'cause they don't understand the OP. On the other hand, if they understand, they will realize that their "old behavior" was wrong and they will start being members of group 4 :-?

you are 100% correct sir... They will see the OP and and think: I'm not going to bother reading all that thought out text... Thats why this isn't getting trolled... YET!

Naa just most of people simply quit biching about everything and/or they get a life, and if someone really wan't to troll he will just post...



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Laura Mclean
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:03 am

I aint gonna read that whole text....white text on black background = eyecancer!
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:17 am


To Long Didn't Read.

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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:30 pm

I aint gonna read that whole text....white text on black background = eyecancer!

you know... Copy and paste it into word and make the font pink on a neaon-green background if it isn't good enough
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Yung Prince
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:29 am

Interesting post OP, thanks for the read. Although I don't completely agree on every little thing, I always find myself interested in what you think and was happy to read it.

- fellow "With brain hated by everyone else"
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:43 am

Interesting post OP, thanks for the read. Although I don't completely agree on every little thing, I always find myself interested in what you think and was happy to read it.

- fellow "With brain hated by everyone else"

im glad someone else who likes constructive criticism agrees with me :D

im surprised none of the other groups are defending what they do... Usually they're the first to jump on a topic like this
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:42 am

Interesting post OP, thanks for the read. Although I don't completely agree on every little thing, I always find myself interested in what you think and was happy to read it.

- fellow "With brain hated by everyone else"

im glad someone else who likes constructive criticism agrees with me :D

im surprised none of the other groups are defending what they do... Usually they're the first to jump on a topic like this

Typically when I jump in a post where they are slamming everyone with the typcial "Crysis is amazing, stop crying" or "Don't listen to these idiots the game is perfect and way better than Crysis" I just lay out the facts and give real straight feedback which usually leads to the post getting buried. So I doubt you'll see many interested in posting on this thread. Only simple threads like "This game is SH*T or Where's DX11...FU Crytek?" will get them excited enough to start flaming. When it comes to clear, constructive feedback and factual debate I just don't think they are interested.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:14 am

Interesting post OP, thanks for the read. Although I don't completely agree on every little thing, I always find myself interested in what you think and was happy to read it.

- fellow "With brain hated by everyone else"

im glad someone else who likes constructive criticism agrees with me :D

im surprised none of the other groups are defending what they do... Usually they're the first to jump on a topic like this

Typically when I jump in a post where they are slamming everyone with the typcial "Crysis is amazing, stop crying" or "Don't listen to these idiots the game is perfect and way better than Crysis" I just lay out the facts and give real straight feedback which usually leads to the post getting buried. So I doubt you'll see many interested in posting on this thread. Only simple threads like "This game is SH*T or Where's DX11...FU Crytek?" will get them excited enough to start flaming. When it comes to clear, constructive feedback and factual debate I just don't think they are interested.

i absolutely agree... all of the useful and well thought out posts ALWAYS get buried under the huge mountain of crappy little post going along the lines you mentioned... it seems as if people only went on here to vent out their anger instead of - well for example going for a walk
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