Sure, one could do some research prior to a purchase and make an educated decision on whether or not it is really worth the struggle to buy Crysis 2 etc.
But what really makes me angry is that I spent hours trying to achieve something in the game amongst my friends, and I've got nothing to show for it because some jerk-off at Crytek didn't do his job and didn't even have the guts or decency to come out and apologize.
My previous thread was deleted. Whether I'm brash or nice, either way I get no helpful response from the developer or publisher.
In plain words, Crytek really wants to tell me:
"We know we charged you a full game's price for an incomplete game, we are aware of your many MP and connectivity issues. WE DONT CARE AND WE CERTAINLY WON'T APOLOGIZE! Go buy our Retaliation packmap my little b*tches!"