» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:39 pm
It's more like Call of Duty
Yup. It's exactly like Call of Duty because they both have guns.
Oh, come on now, we all know people have just been ripping off doom and wolf-3d for ages now, they're all either sci-fi, or historical based, from a first person perspective, with guns. Obviously adding in different mechanics/storylines means nothing.
ok, I'm done adding to the sarcasm.
OT: So they decided to try something different for this game. It happens, the CoD/Battlefield ADS style is pretty popular, and makes a bit of sense. Online "rpgish" progression rewards people so they stay with the game longer (at least those who need it, some just stick with a shooter cause they find it fun). Now yes, these things are popular right now, this doesn't make them bad.
If popularity dictated the quality we wouldn't have, for instance, the advanced 3d model based graphics we have now. After all its popular, everyone's doing it so its bad. Hey, everyone's adding some sort of multiplayer component, its popular it must be bad.
FarCry and Crysis were both designed to show off thier respective versions of the CryEngine, so yes its going to have top-of-the-line, make computers scream levels of graphics and physics. FarCry had pretty good gameplay (haven't played the first crysis or warhead, my computer isn't good enough, and I'm getting Crysis 2 on 360) and people raved about Crysis/warhead gameplay, so I'm going to trust the dev team on this one.
But, one criticism that I've heard about crysis was its UI and keymapping were a little too complex to be easily jumped into (for some, obviously you get used to it as you play), so they're tying to streamline how the game is played. This in turn will allow people, who may never have even tried it otherwise, to give it a go without being too confused or frustrated by the mechanics. This also allows for multiplatform development, both a more streamlined user interface, and multi-platform, will allow them to reach a larger user-base (and yes, this will potentially get more money for the devs/EA). An easier point of entry will also mean a larger online/MP community, meaning more people to play with, and I can't see how thats a bad thing.