Joking aside, the lack of mods is something that would be a big issue for me when it comes to MMOs. Although things like what the new Neverwinter game and (I think) Everquest Next are doing bringing in player generated content does show that it is possible in at least a limited form. There you see is part of my issue with ESO. Other companies are trying to innovate if slowly and push the genre forward in more interesting ways. Player made content being one example. What really has ESO added to the genre. First person mode? Anything else? I mean come on the Elder Scrolls games created their own genre. Bethesda could of copied the cRPGs of the time but they didn't they created a new type of open world rpg with the focus on the world. ESO doesn't do that its just trying to imitate existing games with and elder scrolls paint job. Its a competent job but its not inspiring, its not new, its not different.