I like starting with a character who is potentially already fairly good at certain things. By picking a certain race and a certain skill set, I can have a character who starts out the game a little bit ahead. But if I want to make to make a jack of all trades, I can do that too, or pick a race just because I like it and pick skills that usually aren't associated with them...I won't be as good as that one race, but I'll still be better than all the others.
They've already introduced another mechanic - the Guardian Stones - to help speed things up without those initial boosts. Frankly I find that system annoying, tacky, and inelegant. That's the kind of system a game would use before they knew better. I hate Bethesda's willingness to start over from scratch "just because" rather than keeping the tried and true methods and tweaking the stuff that obviously doesn't work. "Turning a new leaf" is all well and good if you're an alcoholic, but doing so again once you're sober does nothing but cause you to relapse.