However, I must say I haven't had so much fun with a multiplayer shooter since CoD 4. There's nothing like going on a rampage, killing a dozen enemies and single handedly turn the tide of the game. Or meleeing someone in the back and watch his ragdoll's face hit a door frame and fall on the floor in a funny pose. Or bump a cloaked enemy while you're cloaked yourself and both of you go on with your lives. Or camping a rooftop to do some sniping and 2 minutes later noticing an enemy was camped by you all along, doing the exact same thing.
All fails that make you laugh and enjoy the time you have with the game. Because for me, Above all the bugs that I expect to see fixed soon or later, there's a great game. A game I will surely be playing for a looooong time.
Now... Where's the next patch? My menu music still has simultaneous tracks playing at the same time. I still need to be on a server to unlock new stuff and keep it unlocked. The server browser still needs tweaking. I still have servers with 1000 ping and many others where the ping is far from correct.