» Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:16 pm
Skyrim is better than I hoped it would be, and I'm loving it. But I had to change my expectations before the game came out.
To me, TES isn't an RPG series anymore. It's a sandbox action-adventure, and the future of TES will continue down that path of "streamlining".
Even so, there are typical BGS problems. You can do whatever you want to do, be whomever you want to be, except during quests, when you're lucky if you get a choice of any kind as you're railroaded through. Several skills are exploits by design, but if you avoid them character development depth goes from slim to anorexic. And a lot of the perk tree is uninspired and just "add damage to skill X", which makes the character specialization much more narrow than advertised (which is what I expected, anyway). And I could go on...
But they fixed a lot of problems from Oblivion, and for me this has been the least buggy TES game of all time, so there's been a lot of progress overall, IMO.