Skyrim is dumbed down for a TES game.
Skyrim has a severe lack of dialogue options.
Skyrim has broken skill mechanics.
Skyrim is too easy.
I voted for these (Minus the skill mechanics one, saw it after I voted).
Skyrim is dumbed down for a TES game.My largest criticism and one that disappointed me the most. Besides the selection of perks, and some character abilities (Only a select few), your characters will not be substantially different from any other character. Sure, you can choose to play a certain way, but if you wanted to change to a bow mid-game from using two-handers, its not gonna hurt you all that much. I realize Bethesda was trying to get rid of the "Unnecessary RPG junk" but Stat points aren't difficult to manage, and they're still in the system, just a lot less noticeable. Since when does TES cater to non-RPG people anyway? I just don't get that part...
Skyrim has a severe lack of dialogue options.This part is kinda strange for a TES game... I've run across countless quests that only have a single option. I don't really want to help some maniac crash a ship full of innocent people, why can't I turn him into the guards? Sure, I could kill him, but that would get me arrested or committing murder, made little sense to me. Some quest lines like the DB are obviously for evil characters, though, but Misc quests should be able to be dealt with either way.
Skyrim has broken skill mechanics.This is somewhat true in a few areas... The enchanting/ alchemy/ smithing exploit is just freaking ridiculous, for crying out loud, you couldn't see that coming? Then theres the part where its pointless to even get higher armors once you find one that looks epic, you can max out their protection and damage regardless of the fact that they're level 0 or 20 smithing. Also, dual wielding weapons standing power attacks are ridiculously overpowered... I beat a boss down with dual pickaxes...
Skyrim is too easy.Mostly this is due to some of the things I discussed above, but in general, the game is too easy. It started to get somewhat challenging when new Dragons were introduced, and I still have a bit of trouble with mages, but overall its not hard to chug a few potions, use my shout (Massively boosts attack speed), and chop the guts out of anything in my way in seconds with dual Ebony War Axes.
However, despite all this, I love the game. I can't really ever expect to get a perfect game, but Skyrim is good enough, every time I start to get bored I find even more to whet my appetite for adventure. Once the main quest got boring, I discovered I could hunt for shouts. When that got boring, I discovered how awesome being a Werewolf is. Still looking forward to whats next, I know its out there though

*EDIT* I'll just list the ones I would have voted for, but I won't bore you with a paragraph on them.
-Skyrim's guilds don't have enough depth or quests.
-Skyrim's dragons are UP.
-Skyrim's hawks/eagles are too hard to hit with arrows. (AND FLYING DRAGONS.)
-Skyrim has a severe lack of creatable items. (Eh, more like some of them are useless, half agree with this.)
-Skyrim has a severe lack of armor slots. (I just miss the second ring slot, lol)
-Skyrim has auto regen.