So this is probably the last Bethesda game for a lot of peop

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:53 pm

ripped off? I have 160hours on my first playthrough with many more to come. Now The Force Unleashed II which had no bugs and worked perfectly I finished in 6 hours and it had next to nothing for replay value. Do the math.

Yes, people hate to pay to epic-length games with a hundred-and-something quests and events (maybe more) when their Dragons fly backwards. Also, they hate the game and shame Bethesda. The same Bethesda that eventually will fix the Backwards Dragons and most of their motives to hate the game.

I don't know which other game some people have been playing with the same area, scope and role-play elements of Skyrim. There simple isn't another game like that apart from others TES games.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:34 pm

No,I wont avoid their games but i will torrent them

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Adrian Morales
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:39 pm

I don't understand people who participate in the video game hobby, but don't understand the basic principles of video games. Sandbox and open world games are among the most sophisticated and complex, and this means they are inevitably the most buggy. I knew this before I bought Skyrim, why didn't all of you?

what don't u understand about other sandbox games not being crippled like skyrim
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:41 pm

Die hard veteran of release day New Vegas, I am immune to bugs!

I just never understood how bugs could ruin a game for somebody.

This, if I can make it through New Vegas I can handle pretty much anything Bethesda throws my way.
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:29 pm

Are there big issues with the console?

I'm playing PC version of Skyrim, and completely enjoying my experience... sorry everyone else is so disappointed. I will definitely play the next in the series, presuming there will be one.

I'm having a complete blast playing Skyrim PC so far...

I'm not having any major issues on xbox.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:58 am

A huge amount of people got into this game for skyrim, and love it's dumbed down focused feeling. The ones that played TES from morrowind or prior aren't as pleased but with mods, in time, the game can be whatever they want it to be.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:21 pm

Just so people know, this was a topic originally in the PS3 forums that got moved, so you may understand where I'm coming from a little better.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:57 pm

You all say that now, but you won't even be able to contain your orgisms when Elder Scrolls VI or Fallout 4 comes out.

I don't understand people who participate in the video game hobby, but don't understand the basic principles of video games. Sandbox and open world games are among the most sophisticated and complex, and this means they are inevitably the most buggy. I knew this before I bought Skyrim, why didn't all of you?

Complete ignorance.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:40 pm

I have been gaming since the days of Doom, which ran on 286 PC's with no problems, and Wolfenstien. I have never seen these types of problems just to get a game to run. I have a good computer, running Crossfire with 2 X ATI cards and 1/Gig on each. I have a Quad Core CPU and 4 Gig of RAM. I also run Windows 7 64 Bit. It will not run out of box, tweaked or dumbed down to the most basic settings. It will not run.
This was my first Bethesda game, and it will be my last. It is quickly going to be a target, next time on the range.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:14 pm

Definitely the last one I'll pay for.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:50 pm

A huge amount of people got into this game for skyrim, and love it's dumbed down focused feeling. The ones that played TES from morrowind or prior aren't as pleased but with mods, in time, the game can be whatever they want it to be.

Please don't generalize, while this can be true to a substantially large part of the older fan-base, it's not true to all of them.

I myself played Morrowind and Oblivion and I'm pleased by what Skyrim proportioned me.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:20 pm

Sorry I'm well aware of the bugs, I've seen accounts of them. but other than the constant crashing brought on by the patches removing 2< gig address set which Was fixed by a custom non invasive non game data changing exe I've been more or less find, I can't say I won't buy another Beth game, I just wish they stop the damn simplfication, New people aren't Dumb.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:32 pm

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Elena Alina
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:12 pm

Lmfao there is nothing "smart" about gaming. It's always been a "dumb" medium meant as an escapist fantasy. Lol sayin a game is dumbed down is just plain ironic. It's like saying tv is being dumbed down it's always been for the dumb. Skyrim is considered to be great because it exceedes at causing an addiction, it gives gamers a false sense of worth completely in parallel with game like mw3. All entertainment uses this to capture your mind and replace it with a fugue like state.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:25 pm

Last Bethesda game on the PS3.. But I will get them for the PC
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Dean Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:13 pm

Five years in development.



Mock all you want, but this sort of proves the point. If they had 5 years to make this game, why is it still so buggy and effed up? No keyboard bindings for PC users at release? Really?

I get that they want to capture the console market, it's worth more money, and I'm fine with that (unlike some other haters). What I object to is paying the same price as a console user and having the interface for my game basically not work with my mouse and keyboard. Total QA failure on their part.

Taking as long as they did to develop the game just makes it worse.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:22 pm

Activation has been reproducing COD4 every year and it ends up selling more than any other game all year long. Do you think that developers that make a cash-cow like Skyrim and MW3 care what you think?
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Nicole M
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:12 pm

Nah, most who profess to hate the game will stick with the series, and keep forking over money each time for "broken, dumbed-down console trash."

I mean, if they actually stopped buying the games, they couldn't whinge about them. And it's hard to be a miserable, whinging c**t if you don't have anything to whinge about.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:49 pm

I'm not having any major issues on xbox.

Me neither, next to none actually. Few houses have weapon displays and racks that dont work, saw a few dragons dive through the ground and a few dragon souls didnt absorb but other then that not much else. Nothing game breaking. Although I haven't downloaded the patch yet. I think that is where most people are getting frustrated.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:21 pm

Wow cool story bro, wrong forum.

Each time I see someone say 'cool story bro' I can't help but to think how much the education system has deteriorated. As to the OP, I don't think it was a money making scheme so much as they took some calculated risks which are biting them in the behind at the moment. They should not have attached an exact launch date to the product and when it was clear that the game was not going to be fully tested by that date, they should have just pushed it back. The next game will come along though and people will be excited and most will have forgotten about Skyrims launch problems (well, maybe not the PS3 users). But that next product had better be great out of the box as I think most gamers forgiveness will be spent if they feel burned twice.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:58 pm

Nah, most who profess to hate the game will stick with the series, and keep forking over money each time for "broken, dumbed-down console trash."

I mean, if they actually stopped buying the games, they couldn't whinge about them. And it's hard to be a miserable, whinging c**t if you don't have anything to whinge about.

Good thing you found something to whine about then.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:37 pm

Nope... won't be my last.
As long as Bethesda keeps releasing the tools for modders to fix their game I will keep at it and get their games. ;)

The day they stop releasing the tool so modders can fix their buggy console ported tv remote ui games I will stop supporting them as I imagine most of the PC user base will also.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:27 pm

No,I wont avoid their games but i will torrent them

Then they'll just release their games on consoles only...

Love how people say this is the last product I buy from company x. Never turns out to be true, you're going to buy Fallout 4 & TES: 6. If you've "fell" for buying "bad" products from Bethesda this long you're going to for next 10 or so years too. That's why their sells # are increasing even though some fans were upset about Oblivion.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:47 pm

Activation has been reproducing COD4 every year and it ends up selling more than any other game all year long. Do you think that developers that make a cash-cow like Skyrim and MW3 care what you think?

they don't an this is te point. They want ur money and the best way to do that is to turn their games as close to a drug as possible. It's an addiction. They tell you it isn't but it is just like tv jus like movies your minds conscience is sold to the highest bidder
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:47 pm

Are there big issues with the console?

I'm playing PC version of Skyrim, and completely enjoying my experience... sorry everyone else is so disappointed. I will definitely play the next in the series, presuming there will be one.

I'm having a complete blast playing Skyrim PC so far...

This is me. I'm playing on PC, and I absolutely love it! I keep reading about all the things other people are experiencing, and it really upsets me that they're finding their experience of the game so different than mine. It's disappointing. :(
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