what have you been smoking, where can I get some, and how mcuh does it cost?
guys, maybe u had to be there. it was exceptional. its nearly 8 foot and look at the arm and feet. i know what i saw
ok but do u guys really think that is human ?? look at the size of it
cocaine right? wait, Bath Salts!... Acid...? a little to many anti Psychotics...?
thats just a man in trunks with long arms who really needs a tan, but thanks for the laugh
Made mistake of clicking download. Hope I don't have virus.
Fresh air! He's been having fresh air, people! A gamer's most formidable opponent!
Yeah, Im running a boot-time scan on my main machine atm, as well as a quick scan on all other machines on my network...... gotta love having 8 Computers....
Android or IOS?
If its an Android, just run a scan with Avast!'s anti-viral phone app.
if its IOS, don't worry bout it..
People actually click links like this? The address alone would have given me pause and it did.
In any case, he's gone, I've reported this. Hopefully a mod can get here soon and remove the link before too many people get clicking it if it does turn out dodgy.