» Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:50 pm
I svcked it up with the terrible servers that lag the majority of the time,
Then i svcked it up when i got bugged multiple times to where i could not sprint, ADS, fire my weapon change weapon open visor activate armor modes or nano vision, yet i could still crouch and move freely.
then came the Host migrations that ended with me loosing connection and it erasing the kills i gained twords mods for that game
Then comes the game freezing on post game lobby, which forces me to go to dashboard, Once again losing any kills and stats for the game.
But now i get booted and forced into spectator mode in games when i pull of clutch kills?
What the ****
What are clutch kills??
You know thouse times where its you vs 2 of them, both firing at you, you kill the first one, put the rest of your clip in the second one and have to reload, your almost dead hes almost dead and your too far to melee, so you both pull out your pistols and fire wildly, he hits you, you hit him, then you hit him again.
then you see +100 across your screen and you know your the better spray-and-pray noob at that time, thats clutch
Wow that sounds terrible, glad i dont have any of those issues
ill just move in with you then?
You can come over to my place and a sleep over!!!!!
can we paint eachothers nails?