Yeah if you play for 60-100 hours you'll see a lot of the same people, but notice the hundreds of unique character models and dialogue exclusive to each one.
Not to mention the detail made in their schedules, ever tried following a person throughout their day? they do some interesting stuff
I wont lie; i would definately enjoy a much more populated Tamriel, but honestly if the lack of people is that much of a problem for you heres a tip...
Obviously this isnt your kind of game if such a small part of the game is such a big issue
i mean FFS, skyrim isnt a [censored] SIM. its an RPG. Appreciate the amount of holds and people that are there to begin with.
Name me a game bigger than Skyrim in this generation.
and all games are scaled. It would be impossible to try to create completely realistic civilizations on whole continents without doing so, and would probably become so massive that you whiners would probably [censored] about it having too many people and too much distance between towns.