this is the end

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:40 am

Morrowind Tribunal was the high point for me. Loved that expansion, great balance of QUEST REWARD - RISK. Quests were hard in Tribunal, but the rewards were WORTH IT. Nice items.

Oblivion was ruined IMO by the scaling system, making gear, levels meaningless as everything just kept getting stronger and my character seemed to get weaker as I leveled up.

Skyrim started out great, but I really miss stats and spell making, and I have the PS3 version so I can't really play it right now
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:37 pm

If skyrim end up game of the years, its a sad day for gaming. Clearly Bethesda have chose to move for casual players. I feel like someone has gave me Big mac when i ask for sushi.
But sadly this is how video games industry seems to have turn. Place a lot of efforts on the outside (graphics) but less on the inside (gameplay, quest line, etc) My character is lvl 60, so no one here will say that im low lvl who done nothing. I have cleared all the guild quest, except thiefs, done some random explorations, completed all the Misc of everytown but one and went to 60% of the main quest. i spent more then 80hrs, just in case and gives Skyrim a real chance. But nothing, This game doesnt give me any pulse or fun. Neither in the quest, mission that are boring and repititive, neither in random exploration because dungeon and cave are: 1- too linear 2- too small 3- i dont really find anything that make me feel like i found something unique.

So if you guys at Bethesda have really chose to go in casual direction, it is over. After a week a guy on this forum mention that even if Skyrim is not the best, i will buy the next TES and i sadly sayd : yes i will because i like TES. Well i have change my mind. I wont, just like i did for other good series that went to awsome to casual.

To make it clear. Skyrim svck because:

-Repetitive quest line, dungeon

-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.

-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!

-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)

-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........

-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)

-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon...................

So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.

From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)

If it is too easy turn the difficulty slider up, then come back to me.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:59 pm

If it is too easy turn the difficulty slider up, then come back to me.

The thing is, all that changes is amount damage taken and given. It doesn't actually change the toddler-level mechanics.
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City Swagga
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:18 pm

Yet another Zelda "RPGers" opinion, huh?

Skyrim is the only pure RPG out for the XBox platform currently. The only others that come close are the DAs and the MEs. To me, complaints like this sound like what they are, an "RPGer" who has no idea what RPG is.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:41 pm

Like every other TES game, it's as easy as you make it on yourself. If you min-max in Skyrim, it's almost as easy as Morrowind was when it was min-maxed.
-Repetitive quest line, dungeon
The radiant quests are repetitive, but that's because they're randomly-generated filler. Other 'story' quests I've done for the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild have been quite interesting.
-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.
If you put the time in, yes, you can get 100 in all skills, but not 100% of all perks, which often have unique mechanisms. A hard level cap means you can only max out maybe 5 skill trees' perks. In Morrowind where you could just max out all the skills on a single character and there were no perks.
-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!
To argue the other way, you don't make a choice your first 2 minutes into the game without a lot of context and get stuck with it for the next 100+ hours with that character.
-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)
I don't see what's illusive about becoming a werewolf. You turn into a wolf and eat people. If you don't choose to become a werewolf, you don't turn into a wolf, though I suppose you could still eat people.
-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........
... what? This is not coherent.
-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)
Things that you don't care about. Things I think add flavor. Saying "things I don't care" about might be accurate, but you can't put those words into the mouths of every other player. You realize that you're basically complaining that they added content, right? Directly after you complained about lack of house decorations or something?
-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon...................
I don't think I've seen more than 2 quests in the same dungeon; it was a Radiant-chosen dungeon where I think a Winterhold College quest also took place.

So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.
Fast food game... that would be, what, a quickly-produced, quickly-consumed game? Well, which quality game are you going back to? Is it:
- The latest, painstakingly hand-crafted Battlefield with its complex story arcs and original gameplay?
- This year's lovingly regurgitated Modern Warfare, known for its complicated quests?
- Perhaps the latest, totally non-linear offering from the Final Fantasy series?
- The Witcher 2, which I even liked, with its hundreds upon hundreds of hours of gameplay and endless replay value?
- Mass Effect 2, which clearly has more content and explorable area than the original?
- Dugeon Siege 3's revolutionary role-playing system and incredible character customization?

Please, great connoisseur of computer gaming, tell me which of these unique, high-quality masterpieces you've found so much richer and more palatable than Skyrim!


From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)

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Your Mum
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:15 am

Another heavy-handed thread. good luck with your next game, dont let the door catch you on the way out!
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:46 am

If skyrim end up game of the years, its a sad day for gaming. Clearly Bethesda have chose to move for casual players. I feel like someone has gave me Big mac when i ask for sushi.
But sadly this is how video games industry seems to have turn. Place a lot of efforts on the outside (graphics) but less on the inside (gameplay, quest line, etc) My character is lvl 60, so no one here will say that im low lvl who done nothing. I have cleared all the guild quest, except thiefs, done some random explorations, completed all the Misc of everytown but one and went to 60% of the main quest. i spent more then 80hrs, just in case and gives Skyrim a real chance. But nothing, This game doesnt give me any pulse or fun. Neither in the quest, mission that are boring and repititive, neither in random exploration because dungeon and cave are: 1- too linear 2- too small 3- i dont really find anything that make me feel like i found something unique.

So if you guys at Bethesda have really chose to go in casual direction, it is over. After a week a guy on this forum mention that even if Skyrim is not the best, i will buy the next TES and i sadly sayd : yes i will because i like TES. Well i have change my mind. I wont, just like i did for other good series that went to awsome to casual.

To make it clear. Skyrim svck because:

-Repetitive quest line, dungeon

-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.

-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!

-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)

-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........

-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)

-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon...................

So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.

From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)

- Then why did a noob thug kill my sword and shield warrior? Oh right, because two handed weapons hurt and it isn't "that easy" unless difficulty is set to such.

- Play a game long enough, it gets repetitive. Also, learn to have imagination. My Nord's responses to a quest sound a bit different in my head then say... my Khajiit.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:53 pm

Are we outsourcing forum complaints now?
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:16 pm

Clearly Bethesda have chose to move for casual players.

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:39 pm

To make it clear. Skyrim svck because:

-Repetitive quest line, dungeon

-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.

-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!

-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)

-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........

-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)

-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon...................

I'm going to obliterate some of your points into the oblivion realm where they came from:
-The game is just as easy as you make it. I was unbeatable at level 7 in morrowind and oblivion only became hard if you spent time leveling up non-combat skills and non-combat attributes. (same like leveling up speechcraft, pickpocket, sneak and lockpick and stamina in Skyrim).

-Dungeons in Skyrim are not repetitive at all. You've clearly not played oblivion nearly enough, it had literally the same dungeon with the same twists and turns in it everywhere. Whenever you found a new cave, you knew it was familiar because it was exactly the same dungeon. About repetitive quest-lines, if you are talking about the infinite misc-quests in the game...I have no idea how you can make infinite quests a bad thing. If you are talking about the actual quests.. Which of them are any more repetitive than the quests in morrowind and oblivion?

-This is outright wrong when comparing to morrowind and oblivion. I sincerely get the feleing you haven't even played those games. You could max out every single attribute and every single skill in both morrowind and oblivion, without having to sacrifice anything at all. In Skyrim, even if you do level up every single skill to 100 and balance out the attributes as well as you can, you'll never be able to do everything because you can only pick 80 perks and fully master only 7-9 skills. In Oblivion, a character with 100 in every skill would automatically be a master in everything.. So your argument why Skyrim is bad fails completely because it actually only applies to morrowind and oblivion.

-In both morrowind and oblivion your starting birthsign didn't even matter 90% of the time because the little buff to a few attributes that most of the birthsigns had, became pointless at later levels.

-The 'illusion' of choice? You have a choice. You only become a werewolf for a little time for crying out loud and you get the cure very fast by playing further into the quest-line if you truly feel the need to do that quest-line.

-The new houses in Skyrim have introduced something mods were able to add in oblivion, mannequins. Decorating your house was never easy in Oblivion unless you were playing with mods. It's nearly the same in Skyrim, but this time we actually have mannequins to put armor on.

-Plenty of things we don't care for? What..Here I thought you were a role-player. There's nothing more satisfying than playing an average joe making his living chopping woods, cooking meals and hunting wolves and deer. You clearly don't appreciate the detail bethesda has created when it comes to actually playing as whoever you want. In morrowind, the only damn way to make money at all was to go to dungeons and loot bodies and doing quests. Skyrim has so much more than that, I can't understand how that is a bad thing.

-It only makes sense that there's more than one quest in a single dungeon. Why wouldn't a bandit leader who stole a family heirloom of Mr. Battle-Born be also on the bounty list?

There, all your arguments obliterated. Have a nice day.
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maya papps
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:01 pm

thanks for your snobby opinion OP. all the things you enjoy look like a hamburger to me too, so take that.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:49 am

huh, well for 80 hours worth of play it sounds like you got your moneys worth, i mean thats how you really have to look at video games. You played for eighty hours, i've played like maybe two or three game FRANCHISES that you can play for that long.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:15 pm

You know, if you weren't wrong on every single one of your points, you'd have a pretty good argument.

Oh, also, 0/10 for making your post almost unreadable.

Pretty much nailed it.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:14 pm

I keep trolling myself by reading these threads
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Jah Allen
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:30 pm

I have played a lot of games. Most of those games I don't play anymore.

The ones I stopped playing I did so quietly. I made no forum posts/announcements about my decision or the reasons for my decision or my opinions of those that still enjoyed the game.

I simply stopped playing it; uninstalled it and moved on to other pursuits that I found more interesting.

More people should try this.
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El Goose
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:59 pm

All those points are valid but don expect anyone to actually argue them they will instead chose the ad hominem route.

Blatant alt of the Op. Same join up date and nonsensical response means its most likely the same guy agreeing with himself.

For what it's worth though, I'm almost as disappointed as he is.
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candice keenan
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:27 pm

OP is a pretty cool guy he easies Skirym and doesn't afraid of anything!

Uhm... yeah sure... about as much as every previous TES game and most RPGs. What were you expecting?

As opposed to Morrowind and Oblivion where you could easily max all skills and all stats? Skyrim limits you in that perks are finite so even if you master all the skill to 100, you still won't be a master of everything since perks are the specialisation method.

At least you actually have to find the signs, unlike say in Oblivion and Morrowind, where signs were chosen at the start and so poorly balanced that the choice was already made for you.

Still more choice than Dragon Age 2, and not much more or less than previous TES games.

Apart for the fact some of it is a bit buggy, I prefer the new activate mechanism for cases and shelves, Oblivion's turd physics made decoration a pain in the rear-end. Also you can still stack shelves as you please, given there is still the grab command. What's your problem?

Says you, since when do you speak for all, most or even a plurality of people?

As opposed to having a hundred identical dungeons in Oblivion yes?

Notice the bolded parts? That's you proving you're talking out your [censored]. Un-modded oblivion was barely playable shell of a game with no sense of perspective or progression, the height of samey mindless fast food gaming.

TL;DR: Cool story bro.

I just want to +1 this post
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:41 am

Then run to the forums to rant and rave about how terrible and stupid it is.

Possibly because a forum is meant for the free expression and sharing of thoughts, ideas and experiences from all perspectives (which means it's a platform to voice positive and negative views and the spectrum of opinion between those poles). Whilst you may not agree with all the sentiments others express, they have the liberty to express them in this type of arena and should be allowed to do so without risk of persecution and ridicule.

I don't agree wholeheartedly in what the OP has said, but there are seeds of truth to the notion that many of the dungeons are small and very linear. However, I've found some that really took my breath away - the first Dwemer ruin I stumbled on was a fantastic experience. Far from being too easy, I've underestimated how strong some NPC's are and had to re-evaluate my approach to defeat them. The main quests are undeniably brief and there is a lack of flexibility in the choices the player can make to affect the outcomes.

What I greatly resent, is the notion that "casual gamers" undermine the needs of "serious gamers" - a gamer is a gamer, every one has invested varying levels of time, money and effort according to their means to be able to play. If there is a decline in the quality of games available, it's more probably symptomatic of the shortsighted business models of a copycat industry that favours short term gain for the lowest cost, typically at the expense of risk and innovation.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:19 pm

Possibly because a forum is meant for the free expression and sharing of thoughts, ideas and experiences from all perspectives (which means it's a platform to voice positive and negative views and the spectrum of opinion between those poles). Whilst you may not agree with all the sentiments others express, they have the liberty to express them in this type of arena and should be allowed to do so without risk of persecution and ridicule.

If you support freedom of expression, then you must also support the right for others to express their thoughts and ideas which you do not agree with. This includes their right to ridicule you.
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Wayne W
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:13 pm

I enjoy "fast food" as much as I do enjoy "fine cooking". Skyrim offers a middle ground between both for me...

But please, YOU didn't like it. it's YOUR opinion. I won't try to change it, it's YOURS. Insulting other people's opinions though... Makes you sound like an ass. weird heh? what kind of world do we live in, where one can express himself BUT must deal with people's reactions...
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:47 pm

Everyone just own up. The forum is more fun than the game.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:03 am

90% of the things you mentioned were in Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion.

You like TV dinner games.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:18 pm

Wait for the mods mate. It's funny how people forget that Oblivion wasn't any better when it first came out, it had tons of bugs and really didn't have better quests or more content.


Totally Agreed.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:58 pm

I have greatly enjoyed this game despite its faults.

Same here.

I mean this 100% sincerely, I feel really bad for the people who have experienced these game-breaking faults and problems that they can not get past to enjoy the game, because I have had sooo much fun with this game. 3 different characters and the farthest I've gotten on the main story is the part where you learn the 3rd word of the FUS RO DAH shout. Got a level 30 character, a level 15 character, and a level 9 character. All of them completely different from one another, and all equally as fun.

I don't see myself playing another video game for a long time.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:52 pm

From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)

Idiot. Oblivion was utter [censored], and even simpler than skyrim at that, even WORSE than skyrim. Mods fixed Oblivion to nearly-as-good as skyrim, while mods will push Skyrim faaar past previous TES games.
Please take your crybaby ignorant posts elsewhere.
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