To make it clear. Skyrim svck because:
Is the game too easy or are you simply just a better gamer then you were when you first began playing Elder Scrolls games?
-Repetitive quest line, dungeon
This is a complaint of every RPG ever made. Skyrim is not unique in this.
-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.
Funny, I seem to recall I could do the same thing in Morrowind. And Oblivion.
-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!
Again...same thing in Morrowind and Oblivion. Yeah, the Signs were fixed but come on. They weren't exactly game changers or enforced character diversity.
-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)
You won't hear me defend the Companions quest line, but ultimately that's all a game is: Illusions of Choice. At the same time, Elder Scrolls is a lot better at incorporating some choices into the narrative then other games where you are given exactly one option.
-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........
So...your pissed because there are multiple houses with multiple decorative options? I'm honestly confused by what this means.
-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)
Then don't do those things. They're optional for a reason.
-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon...................
Yes. How dare Bethesda make a dynamic, breathing world where you are not the first being to set foot in a cavern/ruin in thousands of years and that the locals might have already made a point to poke around similar places for different goals.
So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.
From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)
I find it hysterical that you included Oblivion in your rant about how the game used to be better when Oblivion had a obtrusive Level Scaling System and offered a static world that felt more like set pieces at a Renfaire then any sort of actual world.