this is the end

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:44 am

So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.
From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)

Well, I do not like Skyrim, because of many things. But why do you pity people enjoying this game?

There are many players who are "casual console gamers" and they like it. After all, this is Bethesda's target group. When I realised what the Elder Scrolls have become I was sad, too and realised that my great gaming times are over. Gamers like me don't bother even the caretaker at Bethesda anymore. But don't be unfair and be insulting to the many people who really like it, for whatever reason.

Be patient and wait for modders to react and make a new, more pc-like game out of this piece of a console game. It was the same with Oblivion after all, wasn't it?

I, personally, more or less stopped playing and eagerly wait for the construction kit. As long as they don't ruin that one, everything can be saved - as long as we can change the game in every aspect.

But I remember being anxious about Eye of the Beholder then and I imagine all of the young folks nowadays being anxious about Skyrim just like that. They haven't played Arena / Daggerfall / Morrowind anyway, so why blame them? Not to mention all the AD&D / Westwood games :blush: These times are over for good...
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:24 pm

"Repetitive quest line, dungeon"
Have you ever played an rpg??

Not trying to start a fight, but what you just did there makes me believe you never played an RPG :D
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:51 pm

I love the leveling system alot better than oblivions.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:50 am

"i spent more then 80hrs, just in case and gives Skyrim a real chance. But nothing, This game doesnt give me any pulse or fun."

So much dumb in this statement. :rofl:
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:20 pm

I'm glad I'm open minded on gaming. I have so many genres I enjoy. I love skyrim, some people had their expectations way too high.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:40 pm

Here's the way I'm seeing it: Some people want to keep TES in a niche market, yet at the same time want things that cost money to produce (e.g. better voice actors, etc.). Honestly, you can't really have it both ways. In order to have the money to make huge productions you have to have the sales behind it to justify the expense of extra staff and production costs and that pretty much necessitates making the game appeal to a wider audience. I'm enjoying Skyrim - there are definitely things I don't like about it and things I think could use tweaking, but overall I feel like I'm getting my money's worth out of the game.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:48 am

The only illusion is that a large portion of the playerbase dislikes Skyrim. Stop making individual threads about how underwhelming this game is.

I really don't understand the obsession with people playing a game they say they don't enjoy. Then run to the forums to rant and rave about how terrible and stupid it is.

Just uninstall the game or remove the disk from your console. Your complaint is not entertaining or interesting.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:39 am

Best TES so far. Next one will probably be even better. So what? You gonna cry now?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:38 pm

Its been sad day for gaming for the last decade, living under a rock i see?

The longer you hold onto the past, the less you can enjoy in the future.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:34 pm

Huh, what is that? 80 hours of playing the game, and suddenly you noticed it svcks? I see.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:36 pm

Wow. How do you put 80 hours into something you don't find enjoyable at all? (and aren't getting paid to do)

Have you ever watched a really bad movie?

Sometimes, you finish the movie in hopes that maybe the beginning was a bad start and instead you waste 2hrs on a movie that svcks ass.

Same concept. I don't seem to understand why people don't get this.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:20 pm

I agree the game is abit to easy, and that it has been watered down. But weve gotten other things that more than weigh up for it. Morrowind is still the best imo, then skyrim - though its close. Im curious how you can think Oblivion was better than skyrim though.

Unfortunately the developers DONT have time for everything. As a developer you have to make choises and priorotize alot. The evolution of gaming NEEDS experimentation.

I hope they bring custom spells back in the next one, and make the mechanics more advanced, and makes it harder. But on my part I gotta say I enjoyed the game more than any other the last few years.

Blizzard and Bioware used to be my favorite game developers, but Bethesda has taken the throne in my eyes. But yes, they suffer too from the fast-food gaming as you call it - but this is because of sales and production cost. It is sad that the game has to be made easy for 12 year old console kids to not cry themselves back to the store returning the game cause its to hard, but I think Bethesda has done a good job in catering them and us mature "hardcoe gamers" both to the degree they have.

Again, experimentation and evolution is a natural thing in the gaming industry. I for once think Bethesda is doing a good job so far and they actually do learn and take criticism from their fans. Though I dont think they openly admitted it, they did change the level scaling alot. The level scaling in Oblivion was an atrocity. But what do you know, they realized it and changed it for the better along with alot of other things.

When you say you played to lvl 60 and completed it and didnt enjoy the ride, then sorry, I simply dont believe you are speaking the truth. You sound more like a spoiled child that wanted the entire cake and is crying cause one tiny slice is missing.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:51 am

I really enjoy the game, despite the nasty lag on the PS3
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Deon Knight
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:44 pm

I would like to point out that neither morrowind nor oblivion are actually good as rpg's, most of the issues you have are present in the other games in much greater force. Perhaps skyrim has taken a more appropriate direction in some regards to a few gameplay elements (though not all)

If you want, I can recommend you a few truly great rpg's
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:20 pm

I love how everyone assumes things like this when people post these types of threads.

The OP is whining a little, but is stating some valid facts. Why is that games nearly 20 years ago actually would evoke emotional responses? They had to have deep storytelling because the graphics were awful. The gameplay also had to be in depth because you could just save and start over, or because of restricted amounts of hard drive space on PCs you could have a 5 gig install. So why is it now when we have pretty much unlimited storage, near life like graphics on top end system that game companies completely dismiss the story of the game. We could have the best of both worlds now, but instead of making a truly great game they only go for the hitting of mass markets to make the most money.

I'm sure you played every RPG game ever made dating all the way back to Atari, and you are perfect and know all and say this game is perfect. People need to stop letting game companies give us these half hearted attempts at games hoping modders will fix their issues and start putting out quality products again. This game will win GOY mainly cause it always does for the most part and that is because people judging it have become to complacent as well. This game could be something so amazing that we would never want to put it down. Yet what it is now is a dungeon crawl that after 2-3 hours in a day tops you feel like you are doing the samething over and over, and NPCs have not reacted different to a single thing you have done since first entering the world.

People post these in hopes the company will notice, but also in games like WoW (where people get flamed hardcoe for these types of posts) Blizzard tells them to post on the forums when they cancel their accounts. They want to know why people are leaving.

Please allow me to clear my throat and begin *ahem*

So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.

When making a big thread discussing how much you hate the game, it's instantly stated that the game was not enjoyable as far as the thread creater is concerned, which is fine not everybody has to like it.

But when a statement, like the one I just quoted above, is made.. it's clear that the same feelings, in his eyes, are expected of everybody else.. hence my post being more highlighted towards that.. rather than the points he made.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:45 pm

Same concept. I don't seem to understand why people don't get this.

That's how casual gamers are. Slow. In many ways.

Well, jokes aside, if you understand things, it makes it harder to randomly attack the poster to boost your e-pen (You know "Now I will throw in something hatefull, and the masses will agree, it will be so wonderfull!"). So some people do their best to not understand.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:16 pm

I don't understand why OP feels sorry for people that enjoy the game. I'm sorry OP enjoys different things and cannot assimilate.

I also don't see that it can be reasonable that he can be level 60 with only 80 hours game played without pushing secondary skills like smiting and enchanting. I'm 110 hours in on my sneak assassin and I'm only level 45.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:43 pm

That's how casual gamers are. Slow. In many ways.

Well, jokes aside, if you understand things, it makes it harder to randomly attack the poster to boost your e-pen (You know "Now I will throw in something hatefull, and the masses will agree, it will be so wonderfull!"). So some people do their best to not understand.


I am in a love hate relationship with Skyrim. Much in the way my brother is.

I'm passed the Honeymoon phase and I'm like....mmmmm.

I don't normally do the main quest and I feel when people say you rushed through the game to be insulting a bit. When it came to the DB it was "Do a quest with an actual storyline" or "Just do this quest with no storyline". I mean which are you going to chose?

I chose the one with an actual storyline. Because it gives me purpose. Sure, infinite quest in the guild so far DB has ever been is kill this, kill this, kill this. Wow infinite quest wasted on repetitive actions and no storyline. mmmm

It isn't that I rushed through the game, just the quest with an actual backstory to them were more intriguing and I ended up doing all of those.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:07 am

Is this guy trolling because he didn't get what he wanted? surely you wouldn't play the game for 80 hours+ if you didn't like it.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:52 pm


I am in a love hate relationship with Skyrim. Much in the way my brother is.

I'm passed the Honeymoon phase and I'm like....mmmmm.

I don't normally do the main quest and I feel when people say you rushed through the game to be insulting a bit. When it came to the DB it was "Do a quest with an actual storyline" or "Just do this quest with no storyline". I mean which are you going to chose?

I chose the one with an actual storyline. Because it gives me purpose. Sure, infinite quest in the guild so far DB has ever been is kill this, kill this, kill this. Wow infinite quest wasted on repetitive actions and no storyline. mmmm

It isn't that I rushed through the game, just the quest with an actual backstory to them were more intriguing and I ended up doing all of those.

You expected something more from an infinite quest system?

It already implies that it would be menial tasks, its hardly going to be intricate and obtuse.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:11 pm

"i spent more then 80hrs, just in case and gives Skyrim a real chance. But nothing, This game doesnt give me any pulse or fun."

So much dumb in this statement. :rofl:

:lol: "The price fors"

"And the stupid bards too, playings on their grandpa's guitars... :lmao:
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:15 am

If skyrim end up game of the years, its a sad day for gaming. Clearly Bethesda have chose to move for casual players. I feel like someone has gave me Big mac when i ask for sushi.
But sadly this is how video games industry seems to have turn. Place a lot of efforts on the outside (graphics) but less on the inside (gameplay, quest line, etc) My character is lvl 60, so no one here will say that im low lvl who done nothing. I have cleared all the guild quest, except thiefs, done some random explorations, completed all the Misc of everytown but one and went to 60% of the main quest. i spent more then 80hrs, just in case and gives Skyrim a real chance. But nothing, This game doesnt give me any pulse or fun. Neither in the quest, mission that are boring and repititive, neither in random exploration because dungeon and cave are: 1- too linear 2- too small 3- i dont really find anything that make me feel like i found something unique.

So if you guys at Bethesda have really chose to go in casual direction, it is over. After a week a guy on this forum mention that even if Skyrim is not the best, i will buy the next TES and i sadly sayd : yes i will because i like TES. Well i have change my mind. I wont, just like i did for other good series that went to awsome to casual.

To make it clear. Skyrim svck because:

-Repetitive quest line, dungeon

-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.

-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!

-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)

-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........

-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)

-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon...................

So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.

From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)

Yeah I agree. On every point. This doesn't deserve the game of the year title. I think it should go to BF3. That is really innovative and with gamers in mind, and not some crippled, mentally limited, simply dumb people like it is the case with Skyrim. No, really, I think Skyrim was intended for use in clinical institutions, so that people with Down's syndrome could fully enjoy it. You know - kind of charity, they are people too and they want to live their life and enjoy things that we, the normal people enjoy everyday! Like playing complex games. So why not give them a chance to be on pair with us, at least once? And make Skyrim? I think that was such a brilliant idea that stroke someone's mind at Bethesda. I just want to shake hand to that man. Yeah. Let's help those ill people.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:30 pm


I am in a love hate relationship with Skyrim. Much in the way my brother is.

I'm passed the Honeymoon phase and I'm like....mmmmm.

I don't normally do the main quest and I feel when people say you rushed through the game to be insulting a bit. When it came to the DB it was "Do a quest with an actual storyline" or "Just do this quest with no storyline". I mean which are you going to chose?

I chose the one with an actual storyline. Because it gives me purpose. Sure, infinite quest in the guild so far DB has ever been is kill this, kill this, kill this. Wow infinite quest wasted on repetitive actions and no storyline. mmmm

It isn't that I rushed through the game, just the quest with an actual backstory to them were more intriguing and I ended up doing all of those.

Well, I like the game. Not what I expected, but it's very enjoable for me nontheless. Mostly because I spend 45 minutes of every hour I play by thinking about what will I and others do once the CK will be finally out. IF it will every be out I mean.

Untill then I will watch those repetitive "defend Beth at all costs" fan boys trying to offend random posters like this one. I mean... He stated facts. How much does that affect your gameplay is up to your personal taste, but facts are still facts. It had a bit of whiny attitude, so now all the trolls from far and wide come here to say he's a troll. Love that. It never gets old.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:17 pm

Not trying to start a fight, but what you just did there makes me believe you never played an RPG :D

Oh I have played an rpg or two. Enough to know that its the journey, not the destination that matters. It's all been done before, so there will be repetition not only in Skyrim but in every rpg. It's all about how much fun you are having while in that dungeon or quest line.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:35 pm
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