this is the end

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:26 pm

You have just completly negated your own point, congratulations.

You can't critise someone for not being constructinve and absolutely randomly, in very unconstructive (wow) matter offend legendary game(s) in the same post :D

I can and did.

I was being a d bag at first then I calmed down, but I did not delete what I previously posted and I will live with that.

I realize the way it looks from there on out but honestly, in regards to this specific topic I have really stopped caring due to the frequency it has been posted. I just didn't delete my first part.


Notsurewhyubreakmyheart? Maybeunoseeeditiwasworkingon?

I dunno why my brain just died, maybe I am too sad about the declining of video games in general and the feeling that my culture is dying out (changing) to something I do not quite recognize.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:35 pm

I love how everyone assumes things like this when people post these types of threads.

The OP is whining a little, but is stating some valid facts. Why is that games nearly 20 years ago actually would evoke emotional responses? They had to have deep storytelling because the graphics were awful. The gameplay also had to be in depth because you could just save and start over, or because of restricted amounts of hard drive space on PCs you could have a 5 gig install. So why is it now when we have pretty much unlimited storage, near life like graphics on top end system that game companies completely dismiss the story of the game. We could have the best of both worlds now, but instead of making a truly great game they only go for the hitting of mass markets to make the most money.

I'm sure you played every RPG game ever made dating all the way back to Atari, and you are perfect and know all and say this game is perfect. People need to stop letting game companies give us these half hearted attempts at games hoping modders will fix their issues and start putting out quality products again. This game will win GOY mainly cause it always does for the most part and that is because people judging it have become to complacent as well. This game could be something so amazing that we would never want to put it down. Yet what it is now is a dungeon crawl that after 2-3 hours in a day tops you feel like you are doing the samething over and over, and NPCs have not reacted different to a single thing you have done since first entering the world.

People post these in hopes the company will notice, but also in games like WoW (where people get flamed hardcoe for these types of posts) Blizzard tells them to post on the forums when they cancel their accounts. They want to know why people are leaving.

I love how everyone who hates the game assumes that everyone who does is just "complacent" and has lower standards.

I find loads of complexity and depth in Skyrim, obviously I see things that you don't. I don't like Skyrim because it's simple - I love it because I find it to be incredibly in depth.

When I criticize Spellmaking for not being that complex of a feature, I get responded to by people saying I wasn't creative enough to maximize it's potential.

Well you know what I say? People saying that Skyrim is simple, and "dumbed down", simply aren't creative enough to maximize the depth and role-play possibilities in the game.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:36 pm

Have you ever watched a really bad movie?

Sometimes, you finish the movie in hopes that maybe the beginning was a bad start and instead you waste 2hrs on a movie that svcks ass.

Same concept. I don't seem to understand why people don't get this.

I've never watched an 80 hour movie. Perhaps you have.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:09 am

To make it clear. Skyrim svck because:

OP is a pretty cool guy he easies Skirym and doesn't afraid of anything!

-Repetitive quest line, dungeon

Uhm... yeah sure... about as much as every previous TES game and most RPGs. What were you expecting?

-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.

As opposed to Morrowind and Oblivion where you could easily max all skills and all stats? Skyrim limits you in that perks are finite so even if you master all the skill to 100, you still won't be a master of everything since perks are the specialisation method.

-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!

At least you actually have to find the signs, unlike say in Oblivion and Morrowind, where signs were chosen at the start and so poorly balanced that the choice was already made for you.

-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)

Still more choice than Dragon Age 2, and not much more or less than previous TES games.

-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........

Apart for the fact some of it is a bit buggy, I prefer the new activate mechanism for cases and shelves, Oblivion's turd physics made decoration a pain in the rear-end. Also you can still stack shelves as you please, given there is still the grab command. What's your problem?

-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)

Says you, since when do you speak for all, most or even a plurality of people?

-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon...................

As opposed to having a hundred identical dungeons in Oblivion yes?

So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.

From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)

Notice the bolded parts? That's you proving you're talking out your [censored]. Un-modded oblivion was barely playable shell of a game with no sense of perspective or progression, the height of samey mindless fast food gaming.

TL;DR: Cool story bro.
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liz barnes
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:43 pm

I think most of us remember. Oblivion was just terrible. Thieves and Dark Brotherhood were it's only redeeming qualities.

I love how disliking oblivion is the new hipster.
The game was great, and awesome with mods, deal with it.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:03 am

Me too and actually I think Bethesda doesn't sell out as he says. I'm a hardcoe gamer and to me Bethsda and Rockstar are the 2 gaming studios that I feel don't sale out to make money. They stick to what they do best and try to make a game they themselves would enjoy to sit down and play. I have the utmost respect for Bethesda :tes: forever.

They are both quality companies to be sure. I do love Skyrim minus the bugs and some questionable design decisions. I do feel they have simplified their product but I do not think they have sold out.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:12 pm

Have you ever watched a really bad movie?

Sometimes, you finish the movie in hopes that maybe the beginning was a bad start and instead you waste 2hrs on a movie that svcks ass.

Same concept. I don't seem to understand why people don't get this.

A 2 hour investment of a movie is much different than an 80+ hour investment over the course of a month.

The movie svcks? You never watch it again.

The game svcks? But you continue to subject yourself to it, over and over and over again.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:38 am

But I remember being anxious about Eye of the Beholder then and I imagine all of the young folks nowadays being anxious about Skyrim just like that. They haven't played Arena / Daggerfall / Morrowind anyway, so why blame them? Not to mention all the AD&D / Westwood games :blush: These times are over for good...

Nope, it's still going strong.

Lots and lots of people are buying these games, reliving their past.
I'm glad to be one of the "young folk' and dwell in the past.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:08 pm

This post is a joke. I dont know why people keep coming postin such a childish things.
I dont mid if someone complain of something that may be bad but this.... crap. Crap in its whole nature.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:42 pm

Well, I like the game. Not what I expected, but it's very enjoable for me nontheless. Mostly because I spend 45 minutes of every hour I play by thinking about what will I and others do once the CK will be finally out. IF it will every be out I mean.

Untill then I will watch those repetitive "defend Beth at all costs" fan boys trying to offend random posters like this one. I mean... He stated facts. How much does that affect your gameplay is up to your personal taste, but facts are still facts. It had a bit of whiny attitude, so now all the trolls from far and wide come here to say he's a troll. Love that. It never gets old.

I think you need to look up the definition of 'fact' and 'opinion' because you're getting the two confused.

To clarify:

- THE GAME IS EASY (opinion, can be as hard as you make it)

-Repetitive quest line, dungeon (opinion, there are many unique quests and dungeons)

-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything. (opinion, many people have multiple characters including myself)

-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME! (opinion, whether or not you grind/powerlevel skills is up to you - playing the game 'naturally' gives you completely different characters regardless of skill caps)

-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that) (opinion, it is a choice you do not have to be the harbinger of the companions to 'complete' or play the game)

-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system......... (I can't even tell what he's talking about here)

-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times) (opinion, care is an opinion statement)

-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon................... (opinion on whether this is good or bad - or even happens, I've never seen 4 quests in the same dungeon)
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Deon Knight
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:30 pm

Oh, for the sake of God, enough with this already. No need to open a new topic each time someone want to repeat what's all over the place.
I think most of us remember. Oblivion was just terrible. Thieves and Dark Brotherhood were it's only redeeming qualities.

I have to disagree, but DB and TG questline where really the game's peak.

I found New Vegas unplayable and put it aside for six months and when I picked it up again, most of the bugs where sorted out and the community had kicked in fully. Nowadays is one of my fav games EVER.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:01 pm

To make it clear. Skyrim svck because:
So are all the other TES games.
-Repetitive quest line, dungeon
Tell that to Daggerfall, which I assume you consider a "real" TES game.
-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.
Same for every other TES game, but to a larger extent because Skyrim limits your skill points.
-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!
Change at any time? First you have to find every stone. Second of all, this helps players not regret their sign choice after hundreds of hours spent in Skyrim's massive amounts of content.
-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)
Not even going to touch this one, lol.
-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........
Built-in mannequins, display cases, and display racks? You can still decorate, and you can still move dropped items.
-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)
I see, streamlining is bad, but so is content?
-having 4 different quest in the same cave or dungeon...................
Doesn't happen.

OP, I congratulate you; you have written what is quite possibly the most ignorant, inaccurate posts I have ever read on a forum, ever.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:59 pm

I think you need to look up the definition of 'fact' and 'opinion' because you're getting the two confused.

Not really. facts are there, and, as I said, how much you minds or like them is up to your personal taste. One mans trash, other mans treasure, to simplify.
Either way, I said I will watch the fan boys fight, not fight with them, so hush, run along now.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:24 pm

I love how disliking oblivion is the new hipster.
The game was great, and awesome with mods, deal with it.

lol I love this post. And I didn't even download mods.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:05 pm

Not really. facts are there, and, as I said, how much you minds or like them is up to your personal taste. One mans trash, other mans treasure, to simplify.
Either way, I said I will watch the fan boys fight, not fight with them, so hush, run along now.

I've edited my post to address each alleged 'fact' as you put them. They're all opinions but one that doesn't even make any sense.

Indeed "One mans trash, other mans treasure, to simplify." is pretty much the very DEFINITION of OPINION. Not fact.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:59 pm

Nostalgia can do wonders, I suppose. Wayman's post summed up a lot of the problems with the OP's points. If you don't like the game, great, but don't pretend a lot of its flaws weren't present in older entires in the series. Maybe you're getting tired of those problems cropping up again and again—hey, that happens—but don't blame it on the "downfall of the industry" or some nonsense. I do want to address a point Wayman opted to skip, however:

-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)

I'm gonna drop a spoiler here: You can't advance in the Dark Brotherhood unless you kill people. You can't advance in the Thieves' Guild if you don't steal things. If you don't like what a quest is having you do, don't do the quest. Elder Scrolls games (yes, all of them, even the ones you like) do not tend to put variable options within the quests; rather, they provide options by supplying a large variety of factions and quests, letting you join or complete the ones that make sense for your character. Don't want to be a werewolf? That option is present. It's very easy, in fact. Turn around and walk away. Yeah, you might miss out on a faction. That's part of what choice is about: consequences, lost opportunities.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:43 pm

To make it clear. Skyrim svck because:

Yes the game has exploits that make the game easier, but how easy or hard the game is depends on how you chose to play it. You complain about limited choices yet blame bethesada because you chose to play it in a limited way. Blame others for your decisions much?

-The Lvl system who give the chance to get 100% for everyskill, kills the idea to try different type of character because i can max everything. the character i choose wont change anything.

As the devoted fan that you are you should know that this was possible in every TES game and the easiest to do in Morrowind as there was no training limitations. Skyrim is the first TES game where a character with 100 in all skills will be different because of the perk trees. In past games 100 maxed characters are all the same. Also again, if you chose to max out all your skills that is your choice. You could also chose not to. So again you are blaming bethesda for choices you may make.

-In the same idea. takin out the astrological signs and give the players the chance to switch any time he want with the Magical Stone make no difference in the character creation and uniqueness of my characters + make the games easier. I dont need to think what type of players i want to create cause i can change at ANYTIME!

Again, you can also chose not to change the stones at anytime. Seems like Bethesda has given you alot of options and choices in the game. You are chosing one option and then blaming bethesda.

-the illusion of choice. (Companion- werewolf and more stupid choice like that)

TES games have never had major choice lines to their quests. Again as a TES fan (which i am starting to question) you would know this.

-i used to enjoy decoration in my house with artifact and item, even the town has decoration and they broke the system.........

The addition of weapon displays and maniquins are the best additions to displaying artifacts. You can still hand place things like you could in Oblivion. They even added the function that things will rotate upright so you can place things easier, although a few times they will rotate upside down, lol.

-plenty of things that we dont care (horse, wood chopping, killing wolf inside that dude house 6 times)

Don't use "we" here as just because you dont care for things doesn't mean others don't. Your opinion is your opinion, others, including myself like the simple additions.

So if you guys are impressed by Skyrim, i feel sorry for you and no matter what crap pepeol will give you, it doesnt matter because you enjoy fast food games.

This is funny because I feel sorry for you.

From a fans of TES ( Daggerfalls, Morrowind, Oblivion)

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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:13 pm

Don't know about everyone else but my personal favourite part was at the end where he mentions he played DF,MW and OB as if it gives him some authority.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:04 pm

Game's to easy? Only if you abuse crafting abilities together.

All skills 100 = maxed character? Lol. It's called perks. Shouldn't even have to explain that.

Dungeons lacking decent rewards? Besides shouts, I tend to agree with you. Besides seeing the different designs of the dungeons themselves

I like the small little details, thank you very much

Thanks for apparently speaking for everyone. Oh, and thank you for demonstrating your mastery of the English language. Bravo.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:18 pm

Lol. This game is absolutely not easy on the hardest difficulty you silly.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:47 am

If you dont want to read OP's post due to its length, here are the keynotes.

- I dont like Skyrim because Bethesda are trying to keep everyone happy. I like Sushi. If you like Skyrim you are inferior to me because my opinion is the correct and only opinion.

Now for a start, I am truly sorry you didnt enjoy Skyrim OP. You seem to be one of those that live in the past, that always start the chorus of "this game isnt what it used to be" when in fact it is and more. I as many others started with Morrowind and find Skyrim the strongest title yet. Yes its simplyfied, but not totally. Instead of spending hours trying to find that one part of armor to match the rest, now I try to find that one enchant I dont have to wear the armor. Where some things are simple, others are more details or hold more challange.

The game is now large, Morrowind scale or perhaps bigger. But the difference being, I feel there is more piled into that scale. More meaningful npcs, more diverse dungeons, dungeons with a back story to them. Then there is the lore, it is stronger in this title, more has happened than between Morrowind and Oblivion, ie: Vvardenfell exploding, the Admeri dominion posing a threat the the empire and if you read the two novels (I just started the second) Umbriel. The atmosphere is thick in Skyrim, you just have to pay attention, listen tot he subtext, the game is more than just Dragonborn slays Dragon, what if the empire lose to the stormcloaks? Will the Thalmor take advantage at that point, is that why they are in Skyrim? If the Empire re-takes Ufflic towns, will the Empire re-unite at full power, perhaps even allowing Talos worship?

The other point to the more streamlined play in Skyrim, it brings new players into this very deep lore. Introducing them to Daedra but without spoonfeeding us that know them already. Showing the racial stereotypes, weapon types etc etc.

Now I am not without critcism, I do feel ranged should of been more diverse, magic although the new system is great should scale better and overall more options to specialise in weapons (I dual weilded daggers when now sniping with a bow, apart from sneak, daggers get no bonus such as maces avoiding armor etc).

My point here is, I LOVE Skyrim, as do others, that doesnt make us any less a gamer than you OP. There are people here who love a deep game, but also see the advantage to making the game more open to a wider audience, and then love the game no less. Beth has made so much effort to keep its core fans happy while bringing in a horde of new fans, instead of whining its not Morrowind all over again, we should commend them on a fine effort, and congratulate on being the second best selling game this year, outselling Battlefield 3, a game I also play, not such a small feit (Not 100% if this is valid).
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:54 pm

All those points are valid but don expect anyone to actually argue them they will instead chose the ad hominem route.

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:02 pm

Huh, what is that? 80 hours of playing the game, and suddenly you noticed it svcks? I see.

It gets better than that. On the WoW forums, someone once posted something along the lines of "I have played WoW for 4 years, done all the end-game raids, and honestly WoW is the worst game I ever played." Only took 4 years for him to notice. :biggrin:
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kirsty williams
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:58 pm

For me Skyrim is the first i have played of the series. My opinion about it is that its a great game but not classic material (maybe with expansions). It could be game of the year but only for PC.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:17 pm

I've edited my post to address each alleged 'fact' as you put them. They're all opinions but one that doesn't even make any sense.

Indeed "One mans trash, other mans treasure, to simplify." is pretty much the very DEFINITION of OPINION. Not fact.

It's hard to even get to the part when we start offending each other because of different opinions when you don't read my posts.

So, once more, with example. Game is easy. That is a fact. For the whole TES series. Someone may find this to be annoying, someone may like it. For more clarification, read back.

And I admit that I don't know what is it about decorations either. As for the others... The main ones... repetitive? That's a fact, I don't thing even Beth employee would try to deny that. Do you like it or not? That's an opinion.

Illusion of choice? Very much fact. Adding several dialogue options which always lead to the same answers and concusions is a paragon example of that. Then again, you may find that to be a rip-off or you can just ignore it. That is...about your very own taste.

The level / skill system ruins need for different character archetypes? Well, seriously, that is also a fact. Again, for the whole TES series, even tho the removal of major/minor skills and stats made it hell lot more visible. Nothing new here in the concept tho. And for the Xth time, you may like it or you may not. Opinion.

My, it looks like you cofused yourself while you were talking about me being confused. How... chaotic.
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