Can't be real, doesn't use the official Xbox360 banner.
Exactly, though it looks really cool. Whoever made this, did they draw Dovahkiin and everything, because I can't seem to recall any such image being released
Yeah that's definitely not real, which is good because I don't really like it, I like the darkness of the one with the logo, looks much more stylish and awesome IMO.
wow that one look better then the collecters edition. but you know...... market research wizard think that the cover that skyrim have is optimal in its mind control
It doesn't really have an official cover until the game ships, or Bethesda states "this is the cover". To my knowledge they have made no such statement.
This. If you look at the covers from Morrowind, Oblivion and now Skyrim- they all follow that 'old book' look and feel. I prefer the simple artwork and making it look like a nice leather bound text that you might find in-game.