We all know "Benevolent Leader" is a real
I set up at Red Rocket. Plenty of food & water, lethal perimeter defenses and everyone running a clinic. Then I start waiting 24 hours at a time, periodically ringing the town bell for a meeting.
After 20 minutes I have the happiness up to 98 and I think "cool, this is working". Then I see the notice that I've gotten the trophy "Benevolent Leader". But the happiness is still only 98. What the hell....?
So I look in the pip boy and sure enough, Graygarden is at 100 happiness. Graygarden, with 23 settlers, one bar, one clinic, one general store and defenses that a drunken bloatfly could penetrate. And I hadn't visited there in weeks of game time, possibly more than a month.
I've seen happiness randomly plummet for no apparent reason before, this is the first time I've ever seen it skyrocket. Anyone else experiencing this?