I'm wondering if it's possible to download the past client now or if I'll have to wait till it actually opens up on friday. If it is can some one attach a link to where I can get started?
I'm wondering if it's possible to download the past client now or if I'll have to wait till it actually opens up on friday. If it is can some one attach a link to where I can get started?
beta questions belong on the beta forums (link should be in your email)
You have to have been invited to the Beta via email. All the details should be inside the email you received. Any further discussion about the beta or beta client should be on the beta forums. The link to which is also in the email.
thanks guys and sorry... im having some trouble with that site atm.
Well, to be fair I'm guessing that's why it's all still in beta.
If you have any further questions your best best it to try the beta forums or send a support ticket here - https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/ask
If you absolutely want to ask a question about the beta here, we do have a dedicated thread http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1487147-dedicated-eso-beta-thread-beta-remains-under-nda/ for that (keeping in mind that the NDA applies and no one on this forum is qualified for tech support issues with ESO.)