heres the thing your missing TES fans world wide are about 7 million.....PVP MMORPG fans are about 600K. supposedly according to all the dev posts this game is PVP centric which means that all the PVE you do in game is geared towards getting your character ready to become emperor and rule the world,
NOW as far as I am concerned
the more the game focuses on the PVP aspects? the worst the game will do financially and the better the chance of the game going F2P in less than a year and ultimately Failing fast. Proof Being no PVP centric MMORPG has ever done well historically
the more the game focuses on the PVE aspects? the better the game will do financially and the better the chance of the game staying P2p why? because the truth of the matter is PVE and CASUAL PVE players are the MAJORITY of the MMORPG market numbering about 25 million
why any company looking to make money would even consider focusing on PVP aspects in THIS day and age is quite beyond my comprehension to be honest but I CAN see why they would try to hide it behind the mantra of TES considering TES players run about 7 million worldwide if not more