This is why i hate the institute...

Post » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:12 am

So I entered this building on the farthest i can go to the west, found tons of dead raiders, so here I am looking at this big ol elevator, thinking crap if i bring this thing up something big is gonna come with it. So I quicksave push the button and head for a little bit of cover. as the elevator comes up there is a dead raider on it that had his arms and legs ripped off, so im still thinking something big is coming. So I head down into the basemant where i find even more raiders dead, then I hear some gunshots and raiders screaming, so now I'm eager to find out what is down here! I want to kill it!!! So I head further in just to find a group of synths have been clearing this place out... it was the worst ending to a dungeon i have ever seen.... So I know I'm aligned with the institute for now, so I see a synth, and figure screw it, i might as well enjoy this a little, i shoot one guy in the head with a sniper rifle, and he dies... nothing, his buddy comes rushing around the corner and I'm looking for some combat ready to shoot him when i hear, anolyzing threat, no threat found... I was like dude, i just killed your buddy WTF.... So I go on a killing spree thinking hell if i kill a few they might actually want to hurt me, nope... killed them all and not a single one fired back. This was a seriously disappointing ending and the reason why I hate the institute. You couldn't have at least left the raiders alive for me? Seriously, I may start a new game and never touch the story quests, because this isn't the first round of synths i came across that just don't care about me.

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Sammie LM
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