Its because mainstream implies a lack of creativity. gamesas's creatures are copy/pasted from every other fantasy game ever. Dual wielding, sprinting, and perks don't scream RPG to me. Next thing you know when you get hurt the screen will turn red and you'll heal after a few seconds, if you die it reloads the level.
First off I'm wanting ES V to have your own family... and when you buy a house in a new town your family would move in as well. And your home should be more customizable like having a family crest in your house and on your armor, horse, weapon, door, shield etc. Children would be really cool you could have them go hunting with you and have them help out on quests, and in general i think the towns should have a higher population with children running around. In your city i think you should have the opportunity to rise up to become the duke of your city and have a small army (once again bearing your crest) you'd feel so bad @$$! or even start your own city/settlement and have a gang or something or other. Even being able to start and manage a guild... I don't know, just some of my random ramblings.