ooc: I've got so many RPs to post in. ><
Ah, well. *cracks knuckles and gets to work*

ic: Karst had almost expected to be forcibly shaken off or yelled at for digging her heels in stubbornly, but was pleasantly surprised that Lore gave in. There was a lot of conviction in the woman behind that tiny voice, Karst knew this by watching her and listening to her, and she feared that might've been enough to keep her from listening. It was a good thing she had the keen hearing of a Khajiit, because sometimes the Altmer's voice would've been lost to the wind and snow before it met her ears.
The Khajiit smiled at the young elf, shivering as the wind blew up her robe and over her mostly-naked chest beneath. Her fingers were entirely numb by this point. Putting a hand that shook from stress and cold on Lorenna's shoulder, Karst sighed silently in relief. "You s-saved my life and Iris's,
and you fought beside all of us. That p-practically makes you f-family in my eyes. A si-sister in arms. I couldn't just le-let you go off on your own." Karst stuttered solemnly, her teeth almost pvssyring. As they walked back to the inn, she laughed shakily and added, "I-I'm gonna freeze my f-freakin' tail off if I don't get war-warm soon.."
Once they got inside, Karst snatched a large teapot from the counter, filled it with water from a small pump inside and grabbed a little metal ball meant for holding tea leaves. It took some effort to keep her hands steady enough to avoid spillage, even
with the pot's lid on. Upon entering the room, Karst found that Odeen was gone but his pack was still there. Karst shut the door after Lore and tossed off her snow-dampened, ice cold robe, svcking in air at the frigidness that assaulted her upper body, reaching back to itch at the old scarring that had been irritated by the cold before yanking a blanket from the bed and wrapping herself up in it. Kneeling by Odeen's pack, she began going through it, looking for the mint that he kept in there.
"Make yourself at h-home." Karst said to Lorenna, and despite the shivering masking her voice's tone, anyone could hear the despair in her elven voice, "I'll st-start a fire one I find some t-tea.."