OOC: Sure, why not. Nothing like a little cat fight to add some drama.
See what I did there? Cat fight? Because Karst...and Zant...they're...both...*sigh*
I c wut u did thar.

He better not try to order her around, either, he thought, keeping in mind the Redguard's somewhat strained relationship with Karst.
When I read that, I imagined a quick cutscene montage of Karst abusing Jalin.

Afterthought: I didn't intend this to be so long, it just sorta.. came out like that.
ic: "Uh.. right! Just find an inn, that's all.." Lance sounded uncertain for some reason and started looking around. It occurred to her now that Lance was just getting oriented to Mountainholm and might not even know what the inns looked like. They were fairly easy to spot in that they were some of the few two-story structures in the fortress, but for all Lance knew, they could all be one-story and the rooms accessed through a trapdoor into a basemant. Despite her worries, she smiled. "Uh, how about that one?" Lance asked after a moment. Karst chuckled softly and put a gauntleted hand on his arm.
"It looks very inn-y, dear." she commented sweetly, then laughed. As he started off at a slowish pace, she trotted next to him, wondering if he was going slow just so she could keep up.
If he thinks he has to go slow for me, he doesn't know me all that well. Karst smiled inside at the thought of him doing that for her, even unnecessarily, though. It was the kind of nice thing she'd almost forgotten men could do. After a little bit of crunching through the snow, Lance crossed his arms and spoke.
"So, they made Jalin a General, did they?" he asked nonchalantly. Karst let out an annoyed groan and rolled her eyes, signifying that she both knew and didn't much like it.
"Yeah. I heard somethin of the sort. Not like he needs
more power to go to his head, but at least he's actually
useful and not just some screwball with a title." she replied flatly and with obvious disgust. Lance went on.
"I guess it makes sense, if you think about it. He better not think that means he can order me around, though. I'm not exactly what you'd call military material."
"If he tries to order
me around,
I'm putting laxatives in his next meal." Karst chirped in with a small, malicious grin. As they came up to the inn, Lance went in first, looked around, then suddenly whirled around and starting blabbering frantically. "Uh, maybe we should go to a different inn! Yeah, this inn smells kinda funny! Let's head to a different one!"
"Uhm.. Lance? It.. smells fine to me. I mean, for a place where people puke and occasionally piss on the floor." she said, then ducked around him. "C'mon, let's just go get our drinks, you weirdo." she motioned with her hand over her shoulder for him to follow as she went by. Going to the bartender, she leaned one hand on the counter and looked up at him. "Heya." He took one look at her, then looked at something behind her, then at her, then behind her again and rubbed his chin. "What's your deal, man?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him and squinting the other eye.
"You uh.. got a brother or a cousin or somethin', missy?" he asked. The eyebrow raised a little more and the other eye squinted further.
"Uhm.. yeah? Why?" She shot back quizzically. The elder human lifted a wrinkly finger to point over her shoulder in the direction he'd looked before. She turned around and gulped. It was Zant and, she assumed, the reason Lance had been freaking out at her.
Fate's a real [censored]. she thought with a sigh as she looked at him. He looked depressed; ears back, tail wrapped around the chair leg and not moving, head down and shoulders slumped. "That.." she choked a little. Some of her didn't want to deal with him right now, but.. seeing him sitting there looking so disheartened, in the corner, by himself.. it tugged at her heart. "That's my brother, Zant."
"Somethin's botherin' 'im, I tell ya. I'm good at readin' people, y'see. Wouldn't tell me what though.."
"He and I.. we got in a.. disagreement." Karst managed to string the sentence together barely. The words didn't express what she felt or what had actually happened, but she felt they got the point across as much as she needed to right now.
"I see. Well, what can I grab ya, lil' miss?"
Karst sighed, looked down a moment, then asked in a mildly hushed tone, "Do you have any.. eh.. moon sugar? I don't know if it's technically
legal but.."
The man smiled a little, then chuckled. "Yeah, I do. Need a fix, darlin'?"
"Sorta. If you could put a dash of it, as well as some whiskey, in a cup of coffee, that'd be great. With cream if you have it."
He nodded, fixed it in a matter of a minute or so, then set a ceramic tankard full of steaming caramel-colored coffee on the table. Karst looked at it and her eyes widened a bit. "A bit bigger than yeh expected, kitty?"
"Just a tad.." she admitted, "How much?"
"Mmm.. never done this exact drink before but.. conisderin' the costs of its components.." he thought a moment, then shrugged and shoved it a little towards her. "Eh, fifteen gold, what the hell."
Karst stuck her hand in her pocket and held out her hand after a moment, then dropped the coins into his hand. He looked at the thirty in his hand and cast her a quizzical glance. "This is.. more than fifteen. Can yeh count, miss?"
Karst managed a small smile. "Extra fifteen's for whatever he wants to order." she nodded at Lance and the barkeep nodded, then looked to Lance as Karst took her coffee. She looked over and nodded to him. "Get whatever you want, keep the change from it. I need a sec." And with that, she walked over to where Zant sat, then asked a little nervously, gesturing at the empty chair across from him. "E'scuse me. Is.. this seat taken?"
_______Zant sat drinking his second beer now and bemoaning his bad luck. His senses were a little duller than usual by now, but he heard someone come in the door, then a vaguely familiar male voice start spouting nonsense about the tavern smelling funny. It wasn't until a female voice replied to this one that he looked up.
That sounds like Karst.. Zant thought, then looked up and half sighed.
That is Karst. Crap.He looked back at his drink and sighed again.
She's not here to talk to me, I'm sure. She's probably here for the same reason I am. Still, the Khajiit watched his smaller sibling interact with the bartender, quickly looking away and trying to act unaware as he was pointed at and she turned. He wanted to hug her, tell her he was sorry, that he hadn't meant to snap, but.. he was also quite sure he'd get attacked if he tried.
Best to let her cool off a bit before I try to approach her, right. That and I really don't want to deal with her while she's mad.A couple minutes later, as he sat staring at his half-empty beer and wondering if it'd be smart to have one more, he heard a female voice near him. "E'scuse me. Is.. this seat taken?"
"Naw, but I.. I really wanna be left be at the moment, ma'am." Zant replied, not looking up or thinking who the voice belonged to. It sounded elven so he assumed it was.
"What's wrong?" The voice asked.
"I.." he stopped and shook his head. "It's nothing."
"I'm sure it's not nothing. C'mon. Tell me."
"Well.. My.. my sister and I.. we got into a fight.. sorta. I yelled at her and.. I've never done that before. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just.." he sighed and almost sobbed. "I hope she doesn't hate me. I love her so much.. It'd kill me if I'd ruined our relationship.."
The woman set a mug of coffee down on the table. "She doesn't hate you. She's just stupid and scared and confused. She loves you and.. she's sorry." she said, then set a hand on his free one. He stared at it dumbly a moment. It was small, encased mostly in black leather, white and.. furry? He looked up. Karst smiled and squeezed his hand. "Trust me."
"Sis!" he cried happily, then jumped up and hugged her. She let out a muffled 'oomph' before returning the hug. "I'm so glad you're not angry! I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I swear I didn't mean to it just sorta.. came out. I.. I saw you come in a moment ago but.. I didn't think you'd want anything to do with me right now.."
"Well.. if you hadn't looked so sad and pathetic over here in a corner all by your lonesome, I might not've." Karst admitted bluntly. Zant chuckled a little. "Now, if you'll stop trying to break my ribcage for a moment, I've got Lance here. Maybe the three of us can talk and catch up a little?"
"Sorry.. That sounds great though, if you don't mind me being a little drunk.." Zant let go and beamed at her. She couldn't help but grin a little herself.
"Nah." Karst shrugged and grabbed a chair for Lance, then waved and shouted to the Imperial. "Over here!"