OOC : With Ravens consent , I present my character

And a introductory post .
Name: Riley Gandring
Nickname : "Riles"
Race: Breton-werewolf
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Birthsign: The tower
Focus: Combat
Main skills: marksman , blade , alchemy , light armor , "inspection"
Class: Legionnare Detective
General appearance: Worn out , tired , useless . Riley just looks sloppy . His skin has a rough , cracked look to it , and he has a ugly and uncleaned thick brown moustache that extends to the corners of his mouth . His chin is coated in brown stubble , and his eyes always seem to be looking in two seperate directions . Due to his peculiar and messy appearance , it comes as no suprise that many avoid him .
Hair: Rileys hair is medium cut , and is coloured black . gritty and greasy , the strands of his hair stick together in clumps , and there is a sickly shine to it .
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Height: 5'8
Tattoos/Scars: He has a tattoo on his left , upper arm that states boldly "for the legion" in bold , black text , with a picture of a legionnares helmet underneath .
Mental Description: A dislikable nihilist , Riley at first glance is a stubborn , grouchy aging man who spends too much time in the tavern and could do with a few baths . Those who gain his trust and look past his shortcomings however , find a once gallant and intelligent figure , whos life suffered the harshest of tragedies and has left him a tainted , broken soul . He can act calm in the most desperate of situations , most likely to the fact that hes usually tipsy most of the time .
Primary weapon: A standard , steel legion issued crossbow . Its somewhat warn with all kinds of nicks and scratches , a statement that his legionnare days are long gone . The letters "R.G" and crudely cut into the sides of the weapon and a bayonet-esque blade has been sloppily affixed to the tip of the weapon .
Secondary weapon: He has a shattered glass dagger . hardly effective , but its all he has .
Clothing/Armour mostly worn: Due to his "unique" gift , Riley likes to keep things simple . After all....ripping through a nice shirt every full moon hardly ever appeals to him . He has basic black netch leather pants that are durable enough to "extend" when he changes form , and a basic tan coloured button-up shirt , with black leather suspenders . he wears leather boots .
Inventory: 17 steel bolts , A cracked gold flask , shattered glass dagger and his crossbow .
Misc:- due to his rampant consumption of alcohol , Riley has the much feared "DT Shakes" . With no alcohol in his body...he starts trembling slightly , making him a flawed near-useless marksman .
- With his detective past in the legion , Riley has the gift of careful inspection and investiagtion . As a result , he can spot things some can miss , and his deduction skills are beyond compare , although his creative thinking can sometimes be mistaken for drunken ramblings
- Rileys speaks in a thick , gravelly tone , as if someone had taken it upon themselves to give his throat a rub-down with some sandpaper .
Bio: Born to intillectual middle class Bretons in Chorrol , Riley spent many days with his nose buried in books of all sorts . Training himself to be a observant and strong-thinking being , he enlisted in the legion and became a investigator , following leads on Dark brotherhood activity and such . Fellow legionnares applauded his clever thinking , believing him to be a sleuth of the highest calibre .
His tragedy occured however , when investigating a missing person case . A Bosmer trader had travelled to Solsthiem and had gone missing. In his lust to solve the case , Riley followed lead after lead until he came across a isolated cottage occupied by a blank eyed , disturbingly silent Khajiit . he was offered a bed so he could investiagte the surrounding area without too much hassle...but found himself savagely attacked in his sleep by a werewolf .
using his legion tactics , he was able to barely escape with his life , killing the deceptive khajiit in the process . he returned to his outpost battered and bruised . Chaos struck again when he awoke in the hallway of his barracks some days later , a dead soldier at his feet . Reports from other soldiers detailed them hearing horrible howls outside of thier rooms during the night , and it was clear that he had been afflicted with the werewolf disease .
The usual punishment was death . But his fellow men and captains had grown to like him so much . But a werewolf in the legion was a bad image to say the least , and he was discharged , lucky to leave solsthiem with his life . he turned to the drink , and has been a chronic alchoholic ever since . The attack by the Hurak didnt bother him in the slightest , and he spends all his days in the mountainholm pub.
The cold wind hit Riley in the face like a brick as he was sent sprawling head over heels , landing embarrassingly head first into the snow covered street . He scrambled awkwardly to his feet , and turned to face the figure behind him .
And stay out , you bum!" The burly innkeep shouted angrily , shaking his fist as he did so .
"Times are tough enough without you motley lot stumbling about and picking fights!" .
Before he could retort , Riley was cut off by the slamming of the inn door . He sighed and ran his hands through his hair , trying to shake out some of the snow before pulling the collar of his shirt up and bowing his head in attempt to block out the cold .
Rummaging through the pockets of his cotton shirt , he eventually found his flask . He raised it to his dry mouth , licking his chapped lips in anticipation of the drink , then grumbled distastefully when he found it was empty .
"Damnit...." he muttered sourly .
He made his way down the street , trembling slightly because of the cold , and the lack of alcohol in his veins . "
Isnt there anything to do in this place other than loiter around in dingey pubs and beg for booze money?" he thought to himself . He imagined a nice warm fireplace and a steaming hot bath , but then remembered the reality of the situation .
Blegh , why get your hopes up eh Riles?" he snickered smugly to himself , and continued his search for a pub or inn that hadnt had him banned from it , a rare thing in Mountainholm .