I, in the UK, am awaiting my copy. I'm ignoring reviews and am ready to enjoy the game but I'm trying to get a heads up from those who have played.
For those that didin't play MNC, it was a short multiplayer arcade title that ended up as a class shooter that was likened to Team Fortress.
It's 'Syndrome' was that every iXXxxxSn1p3i2xxXi wannabe ran Assassin, to the point where an entire team would consist of assassins and you wouldnt have a chance against a balanced team.
My question being, therefore, does BRINK suffer from this same phenomenon?
Over the days I've been watching the game until release I've been a little skeptical that everyone is going to run Operative because they think that you must be l33t if you do.
It's not going to change my mind of the game but it would be nice to get a heads up if I'm going to have to be the only one switching between Soldier and Engineer or if I can rely on the general public to be more helpful.
Hope no one takes this in the wrong light, good Operative players will sure be useful but a balanced team is also important and I dont want to be the only one switching to meet needs.