That's still pretty damn wrong.
I would also like to say this before anyone else tries to say that the Stormcloaks do not allow Khajiit into cities:
1. It is just the caravans
2. You encounter one in Riften as part of a quest
3. the caravans are not helping their cases either because they cry about how unjust the Nords are by accusing them of being pickpockets and Skooma dealers and yet . . . they sell lockpicks (useful for thieves, well to be fair just about every merchant sells them but still) and Skooma (which most merchants do not sell)
And another point is every Khajiit i've made can freely walk into cities, and if there are any npc's who talk about not getting in they talk about Skyrim's cities in general not just the Stormcloak controlled ones
I'm not certain it counts as racism when you insult a people that slaughter and torture your friends and family because of a religious belief on a regular basis... but even then this debate is lore-based for the most part, so if you would like to contribute please make your remarks accordingly. What you people fail to comprehend is that the callous mindset of Nords in general are a result of being unjustly slaughtered in the Great War. We know they are a relatively simple people, and we know that if they don't like getting pushed around, they aren't going to stand for it. If you're familiar with the saying "You can only kick the dog in the corner for so long...", then you will understand that it is applicable here.
Essentially and even in the Stormcloak controlled cities I have noticed a pattern, you contribute to the economy you are better off.
The Hlaalu farm and the Dunmer run general store in Windhelm both contribute to the economy and seem to be better off than any of the other buildings owned by Dunmer.
That said Ulfric might also be reluctant to allow the Argonians into the city with Dunmer so close by then again they get along fine in Riften but they were probably allowed to do so with the Jarl's reluctance. Can you guess why they would probably be reluctant?
I haven't really got a side and I rarely join either faction on any playthrough, almost every province in Tamriel has some sort of racial division, and also the note about only Nords in the Stormcloaks after all it is a rebellion for Skyrim, say Elsweyr had a rebellion i'm sure the rebel army would consist of mostly Khajiit not just anyone who happened to be there at the time I mean why would a random Orc join a rebellion for Skyrim's independence, the only reason the Empire has mixed race is because the Empire consists of several provinces and is ruled by Cyrodil, but saying that there is a somewhat obvious racism among the Stormcloaks but anyway in the next TES i'm sure none of this will matter as both faction's will probably have dissolved or it will be based in the past
You do realize that Housecarl's are not slaves right?
In fact at least one Housecarl is married to their Thane.
Also Unmid Snow-Shod and Anuriel (the steward) apparently like going to her private chambers or meeting for "combat practice"
Unmid is a supporter of the Stormcloaks and Anuriel who is a Bosmer are in love.
Yup, Unmid is totally racist /sarcasm
That said most Housecarls are generally close friends with the Thane that they serve, just look at Balgruuf and Irileth
Hackdirt is more unwelcoming to outsiders than Morrowind and Skyrim combined. Hated that place as a kid.
Not to mention that the Khajiit nations are client states of the Thalmor.
Or her: Or him:
Was he saying it didn't or were you the one saying it didn't as I am pretty sure that those links prove you wrong too.
Both sides can be just as racist by the way.
Oh, boo hoo. Like Tiber Septim was a kindly grandfather dispensing cookies throughout Tamriel.
No he was a monster, who had a baby aborted, and slaughtered all across Tamriel. He's a bloody wargod, if your actually comparing Ulfric to the man of Tiber Septim, then I dont know what to say.
He had one baby aborted
The Thalmor are bigger monsters than he was by the way because they probably have forced more to be aborted.
Forcibly, killing an unborn baby against the mothers will is the moral even horizon for me. Lesser of two evils, Tiber slaughtered and kill thousands across his bloody rise to power, I doubt he could be considered benevolent, he is a wargod. At the most a neutral entity.
Want to go further? We can blame it on the Dwemer for creating the original Numidium in the first place?
I can keep taking that further with Lorkahn by the way.
There's no evidence at all to say that the Thalmor have ever forced abortions