Adventure time!
No spoilers

How do I open the mailbox?
Nevermind I got it.
Altmeri bureaucracy is nightmarish. I pity the poor buggers now.
I want my dragoncrysalisis, you [censored]!
Sorry... I know what I want when I clicked that option... *grumbles about Altmeri elitism*
Im getting my delivery on my birthday! How thoughtful of the Thot-Box.
Time to Reflect
so, someone mind telling me what the link is supposed to be before I risk an Infection clicking on it?
the title seems to be gibberish and I do not recognize the domain in the link (other then the fact its a .es site, which is an Spanish extension if i recall)..
Safe for me. No spoilers, so I wont say what it is.
Do you think Lady N would try to hack you?
no i don't, but I am just extremely wary when it comes to websites I don't recognize and posts that amount to just a link...
Your fear of the Dominion is unbefitting for a subgradient-agent-in-waiting of the Thalm[OR] or its Prism. How embarrassing for us all.
Goodbye, thot-box.