My thought for the day. Nothing more.

Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:58 pm

As a modder I seem to be having a problem with new and original ideas.
Each day I go through the list of mods to find something that hasn't been done before. As I look through a list of mods I see some really nice work out there. Only to notice that it has almost no endorsemants or comments. And it’s download count may be a lower then expected. Would using someone’s idea and improving it be stealing?
What do people look for and expect from a mod? Followers and house seem to be big things, but just how many follower and house mods do we really need? And how many times do we need really to give Lydia a make-over or build an island with a house?
I’ve been modding video games since the days of “Delta Force 2”. And I’ve seen the modding community become something we could have never imagined back then. With each new game people try to mod it to death before most of us have a chance to buy it. At current count there are 27, 383 files for downloading on NexusMods for Skyrim. And most are ideas that have done over and over.

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Rudi Carter
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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:40 pm

i'd say stop modding for download numbers.

if the focus of modding activity and downloader preferences were equal, you would all just be sculpturing private body parts and chainmail bikinis.

Keep that in mind.

have fun working on your mods.

there will be people who will appreciate it.

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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:23 pm

"Chainmail bikinis". LOL. The thoughts you just put into my head..... I can see it all now.

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Post » Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:07 am

Mod ideas come out playing the game , check whats misisng for you or what you do not like of the vanilla game and think about making a mod about it perhaps .

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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:16 pm

Make a mod that allows combining elixirs and poisons into more powerful versions. Like mixing few lesser healing potions into stronger one to free some space. Or mixing completely different potions for new interesting effects. Even experimenting with potion/poison mix.

There is such kind of mod:

But its rather primitive and abandoned. Id use new good one. Many people would

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