A Thought on the Legion

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:14 am

It's hard for me to make a believable character that supports the Legion that isn't a sadistic sociopath.

My Energy Weapons Paladin, nope, they want the Brotherhood dead.

My Mormon convert Guns character, nope, Legion destroyed New Canaan and wants all New Canaanites destroyed and Joshua Graham hates the Legion.

Actually the only believable character is my Enclave Remnants character who supports the Legion only because he wants to see the NCR destroyed. He uses them as a pawn for revenge. But still, that's not really supporting the Legion full-heartedly either.

Can someone post their Legion characters so I can get an idea of a sincere Legion character that isn't a sadistic psycho? Please be detailed.

I was thinking more along the lines of a NCR soldier or Ranger who was discharged or left the Armed forces when faced with the atrocities the NCR committed crossing into Nevada. People need to stop looking at the Legion from a modern perspective, given the state of the world, the legion's cruel efficiency is desperately needed.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:51 am

So....You stole The Enclave's character?

I've had this character before I ever met The Enclave (the person on the forums).
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:10 pm

So, now that we've established what aspects of Ancient Rome can be seen in the Legion, I'd like to know, what do you think Eddie could have taken from Ancient Rome to be more effective?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:37 am

It's hard for me to make a believable character that supports the Legion that isn't a sadistic sociopath.

My Energy Weapons Paladin, nope, they want the Brotherhood dead.

My Mormon convert Guns character, nope, Legion destroyed New Canaan and wants all New Canaanites destroyed and Joshua Graham hates the Legion.

Actually the only believable character is my Enclave Remnants character who supports the Legion only because he wants to see the NCR destroyed. He uses them as a pawn for revenge. But still, that's not really supporting the Legion full-heartedly either.

Can someone post their Legion characters so I can get an idea of a sincere Legion character that isn't a sadistic psycho? Please be detailed.

Honestly I can see where you are coming from because I sit in the same chair with Brotherhood in New Vegas. I can't understand why anyone supports them in there current state especially with the treatment of Veronica. I really find it hard to see why any one would like that faction.

With that out of the way my 'RP' character Legion went along these lines.

Lucius Vorenus: Born Max Kinkade, Lucius changed his name after a fateful meeting with Vulpes Inculta. After being disillusioned with the NCR's lack of support for well... anything*. Lucius found the reasoning behind the Legions actions were not only justified, they where the only way to unify the nation. At a young age Max had the luck of owning a pre-war book that explained that once a single nation ruled from ocean to ocean, and he has dreamed of this ever since. Max had hoped the NCR would be his answer, but quickly learned that its not honor that keeps the peace, but fear, fear and blood.

*His Disillusion with the NCR stemmed from the fact that he went to Primm to help Goodspring with there Powder Ganger problem. He was shocked when the NCR officer informed him that he did not have the men, nor the orders to retake the jail, and basically informed Lucius that if he wanted the NCRCF cleared then he was going to have to do it himself. After that Lucius then ventured across the battlement into Primm proper, again without the support of the NCR that seemed to care little for the citizens of Primm, and only keeping the Powder Gangers from spreading out. Having killed all the Powder Gangers in Primm proper he found out they now needed new law. Figuring that since he had done the NCR's dirty work all they had to do now was send in one man, and keep peace. Would they? Nope.

I went in with only the information I had gained from when I got there. I really, really did expect to go full NCR because I love there/our history. However it really feels to me that (at least until you get closer to the strip, and the farms) that the NCR is sitting around doing nothing because they don't have ONE person willing to run orders around till you show up. However The Legion... they are doing stuff without you. Yes its brutal, but its effective.

As for Nipton, honestly if The Legion had not cleared that town, and you walked in, and seen them in bed with the Powder Gangers how many here would not have wiped that town out? I know I would have, and odds are no one would have survived my mess either... I was shocked, and ready to kill those guys walking down the streets right up until I talked to Vulpes, and heard why they did it.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:01 am

Honestly I can see where you are coming from because I sit in the same chair with Brotherhood in New Vegas. I can't understand why anyone supports them in there current state especially with the treatment of Veronica. I really find it hard to see why any one would like that faction.

With that out of the way my 'RP' character Legion went along these lines.

Lucius Vorenus: Born Max Kinkade, Lucius changed his name after a fateful meeting with Vulpes Inculta. After being disillusioned with the NCR's lack of support for well... anything*. Lucius found the reasoning behind the Legions actions were not only justified, they where the only way to unify the nation. At a young age Max had the luck of owning a pre-war book that explained that once a single nation ruled from ocean to ocean, and he has dreamed of this ever since. Max had hoped the NCR would be his answer, but quickly learned that its not honor that keeps the peace, but fear, fear and blood.

*His Disillusion with the NCR stemmed from the fact that he went to Primm to help Goodspring with there Powder Ganger problem. He was shocked when the NCR officer informed him that he did not have the men, nor the orders to retake the jail, and basically informed Lucius that if he wanted the NCRCF cleared then he was going to have to do it himself. After that Lucius then ventured across the battlement into Primm proper, again without the support of the NCR that seemed to care little for the citizens of Primm, and only keeping the Powder Gangers from spreading out. Having killed all the Powder Gangers in Primm proper he found out they now needed new law. Figuring that since he had done the NCR's dirty work all they had to do now was send in one man, and keep peace. Would they? Nope.

I went in with only the information I had gained from when I got there. I really, really did expect to go full NCR because I love there/our history. However it really feels to me that (at least until you get closer to the strip, and the farms) that the NCR is sitting around doing nothing because they don't have ONE person willing to run orders around till you show up. However The Legion... they are doing stuff without you. Yes its brutal, but its effective.

As for Nipton, honestly if The Legion had not cleared that town, and you walked in, and seen them in bed with the Powder Gangers how many here would not have wiped that town out? I know I would have, and odds are no one would have survived my mess either... I was shocked, and ready to kill those guys walking down the streets right up until I talked to Vulpes, and heard why they did it.

So basically a nationalist character that wants to see an effecient government rule all the land. His disillusioned with NCR because of their incompetence.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:15 pm

So basically a nationalist character that wants to see an effecient government rule all the land. His disillusioned with NCR because of their incompetence.

that's about my reason for being a Legion supporter in a nutshell plus a few others

except for "nationalist" for which I would substitute "pragmatist"
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:50 pm

Hey the Legion isn't a bad faction. Unless you want to have free will to do what you like and have something resembling freedom.

Basically do what they say or be crucified. There is no evidence that women are treated fairly outside of the Mojave and anybody that argues this simply wishes that this was the case.

If you drink you should be killed. If you use drugs you should be killed. If you are gay you should be killed. People who disobey an order should be killed. People who fail in their duties should be killed (Josh Graham). Women should be slaves. Children should be slaves. Women are assigned to officers as property. These things don't sit right with me in any way, shape, or form.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:24 pm

Hey the Legion isn't a bad faction. Unless you want to have free will to do what you like and have something resembling freedom.

Basically do what they say or be crucified. There is no evidence that women are treated fairly outside of the Mojave and anybody that argues this simply wishes that this was the case.

If you drink you should be killed. If you use drugs you should be killed. If you are gay you should be killed. People who disobey an order should be killed. People who fail in their duties should be killed (Josh Graham). Women should be slaves. Children should be slaves. Women are assigned to officers as property. These things don't sit right with me in any way, shape, or form.

Actualy that was probably indirectly taken from Ancient Rome. Many people who philosophized ended up in prison or on a cross. However, I don't think Eddie took that from the Romans, I think he just decided that his word was law. However, Ancient Rome was probably not big on prohabition (don't think I spelled that right) or on drug control. That's the thing about running an empire based on force, if people start questioning your authority... "Glack! Et tu Brute?" *Forty seven stabs in the back.*
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:41 pm

Hey the Legion isn't a bad faction. Unless you want to have free will to do what you like and have something resembling freedom.

Basically do what they say or be crucified. There is no evidence that women are treated fairly outside of the Mojave and anybody that argues this simply wishes that this was the case.

If you drink you should be killed. If you use drugs you should be killed. If you are gay you should be killed. People who disobey an order should be killed. People who fail in their duties should be killed (Josh Graham). Women should be slaves. Children should be slaves. Women are assigned to officers as property. These things don't sit right with me in any way, shape, or form.

Not everything you said is completely true some examples are disobeying an order can be allowed if you're able to follow it up with a victory or some sort of success. Another one is that children are slaves,the more stronger boys are made into soldiers while the weaker boys and girls are then, as you said, made into slaves. The fallout wiki also says about the older women are made into priestess to raise the childern, but take that one with a grain of salt because when I did a Legion playthrough I don't remember hearing anything about that(though there are priestess I just don't know how they are selected).
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:09 pm

So basically a nationalist character that wants to see an effecient government rule all the land. His disillusioned with NCR because of their incompetence.

Yeah that sums it up well, and to be honest if I had traveled to the Mojave Outpost before going to Nipton on my first run my entire outlook might have been changed. After playing many runs I know its all in how things get shown to you. My first run I sided with Pacer, and was shocked to find out the NCR was withholding food from anyone who did not join. I later found out why, and I can understand that point.

It all comes down to first impressions
My first impression of Mr. House was through Benny informing the game was rigged from the start, and a creepy robot that was just far to friendly
My first impression of the Powder Gangers where murdering savage ex-cons
My first impression of the NCR was a group that would not help those who needed it the most
My first impression of the Legion was of a group who used harsh tactics in a harsh world, but seemed to be cleaning things up

Yes things change later.
Mr. House had nothing to do with me being shot, and his robot was him trying to win me over
Not all the Powder Gangers are horrible, and a few even want to turn themselves in
The NCR wants to help, but is tied down with politics
The Legion may be a bit to harsh, and they are led/created by a man who does not believe in what he says

Still though first impressions are powerful, and I fully support the Legion... I however detest Eddie. He should die while the rest of the Legion could still view him as a hero before he is discovered, and brings it all down. Everyone outside of the Legion says kill Eddie, and the Legion will turn on itself. There are many men who where shown (and I assume some who where not) that could lead better then Eddie. There would be a period of civil war sure... but it would not last, and if someone who actually believed in the doctrine took command. Then it could truly create an empire that could stretch from ocean to ocean.

Hands down the best ending for the Legion would be a killed Eddie, and a talked down Lanius.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:06 pm


Eddie makes a much better Caesar than Lanius, kill him on a Legion playthrough and this much becomes obvious.
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An Lor
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:57 pm

Eddie makes a much better Caesar than Lanius, kill him on a Legion playthrough and this much becomes obvious.

I refuse to argue with other Legion supporters. There are too few of us, and even an Eddie'fied Legion is better then nothing.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:09 pm

(despite mounting evidence that the head enforcer himself may very well be in a very well-armored closet?)

Such as?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:44 pm

Actualy that was probably indirectly taken from Ancient Rome. Many people who philosophized ended up in prison or on a cross. However, I don't think Eddie took that from the Romans, I think he just decided that his word was law. However, Ancient Rome was probably not big on prohabition (don't think I spelled that right) or on drug control. That's the thing about running an empire based on force, if people start questioning your authority... "Glack! Et tu Brute?" *Forty seven stabs in the back.*

I never claimed that the laws had been taken directly from Roman culture in my post, only that the Legion is overly cruel to its own people and that the punishment for crimes or failure is ridiculously harsh. It is clear that the game is biased against the Legion, the devs wanted you to dislike them. Unless the person playing is a sadistic [censored], there's no way they can actually agree with Caesar's ideas.

Not everything you said is completely true some examples are disobeying an order can be allowed if you're able to follow it up with a victory or some sort of success. Another one is that children are slaves,the more stronger boys are made into soldiers while the weaker boys and girls are then, as you said, made into slaves.

My logic is that being set burned alive and thrown off a cliff into a river is too harsh a punishment for failure. Why murder (as far as Caesar knows) one of your greatest assets because of one tactical mistake? Caesar is the typical over the top evil for the sake of being evil stereotypical villian like Darth Vader from Star Wars. His behavior is akin to Vader force choking his men to death for failing him.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:23 pm

I never claimed that the laws had been taken directly from Roman culture in my post, only that the Legion is overly cruel to its own people and that the punishment for crimes or failure is ridiculously harsh. It is clear that the game is biased against the Legion, the devs wanted you to dislike them. Unless the person playing is a sadistic [censored], there's no way they can actually agree with Caesar's ideas.

My logic is that being set burned alive and thrown off a cliff into a river is too harsh a punishment for failure. Why murder (as far as Caesar knows) one of your greatest assets because of one tactical mistake? Caesar is the typical over the top evil for the sake of being evil stereotypical villian like Darth Vader from Star Wars. His behavior is akin to Vader force choking his men to death for failing him.

You have to understand that while Graham is a tough s.o.b, he was not the "greatest asset" of the Legion. Graham wasn't a great general or good one. The thing that made him into such a feared man was brutality and it was basically impossble to kill the man. The reason why Ceaser set on fire Graham was to show that no matter how high you are in the Legion that failure was not going to be tolerated. Ceaser found a much better replacement in Lanius anyway so the loss of Graham was as not a big deal as you think.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:45 pm

You have to understand that while Graham is a tough s.o.b, he was not the "greatest asset" of the Legion. Graham wasn't a great general or good one. The thing that made him into such a feared man was brutality and it was basically impossble to kill the man. The reason why Ceaser set on fire Graham was to show that no matter how high you are in the Legion that failure was not going to be tolerated. Ceaser found a much better replacement in Lanius anyway so the loss of Graham was as not a big deal as you think.

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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:53 am

We should get a DLC in Arizona for teh lulz. All the NCR boys will gobble it up just to mow every Legion-supporter into the dirt.

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Jack Moves
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:37 pm

I never claimed that the laws had been taken directly from Roman culture in my post, only that the Legion is overly cruel to its own people and that the punishment for crimes or failure is ridiculously harsh. It is clear that the game is biased against the Legion, the devs wanted you to dislike them. Unless the person playing is a sadistic [censored], there's no way they can actually agree with Caesar's ideas.

I'm not saying you did. I was trying to get this thread back on topic. It was supposed to be a comparison of the Legion to Ancient Rome, not a Legion versus the world thread. I'm trying to keep this from devolving into an NCR vs Legion thread where people start calling each other names and the thread gets closed. Please, stay on topic.

Back on topic: I wonder if somehwere out in Arizona there's any of the more mystical aspects to Ancient Rome. Temples, alters, maybe even an Oracle.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:50 am

I'm not saying you did. I was trying to get this thread back on topic. It was supposed to be a comparison of the Legion to Ancient Rome, not a Legion versus the world thread. I'm trying to keep this from devolving into an NCR vs Legion thread where people start calling each other names and the thread gets closed. Please, stay on topic.

Back on topic: I wonder if somehwere out in Arizona there's any of the more mystical aspects to Ancient Rome. Temples, alters, maybe even an Oracle.

There are priestesses and Caeser did set himself as a god so I would not be surpised if there are temples or alters.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:17 pm

We should get a DLC in Arizona for teh lulz. All the NCR boys will gobble it up just to mow every Legion-supporter into the dirt.

Yep yep yep. The main reason I bought HH was because I thought I'd get a better take on the Legion. Turns out I was wrong!
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:01 am

To be honest, the first thing I planned on doing in Zion was either acting as an executioner on behalf of Caesar and eliminate J-Gramz, or be an agent of the NCR and wipe out Legion-active follower or not. Anyone that was even remotely affiliated to the Legion MUST DIE!!!! :flamethrower: :flamethrower: :flamethrower: :flamethrower:

I was mistaken.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:26 pm

To be honest, the first thing I planned on doing in Zion was either acting as an executioner on behalf of Caesar and eliminate J-Gramz, or be an agent of the NCR and wipe out Legion-active follower or not. Anyone that was even remotely affiliated to the Legion MUST DIE!!!! :flamethrower: :flamethrower: :flamethrower: :flamethrower:

I was mistaken.

I just wanted to give Caesar Graham's head on a silver platter...was that too much to ask? :cryvaultboy:
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:34 am

lol, im glad I'm not the only one that was disappointed that the Legion (and yes, even the NCR) were left out of Honest Hearts

even more glad I didn't play HH for that exact reason :rolleyes:

was it too much to get a quest from Caesar to pose as a caravaneer to get safe passage north to meet with his agents in the White-Legs tribe in the Utah for a very special mission only to arrive there and realize that not only is the mission an Assassination but on the friggin Burned Man himself?! :shocking:
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:21 am

lol, im glad I'm not the only one that was disappointed that the Legion (and yes, even the NCR) were left out of Honest Hearts

I'm sorry, but the NCR never needs any more content. Even if Obsidian released twelve DLC's purely for the Legion, NCR will still have more content.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:45 am

"Yeah, I have a lot of thoughts about the Legion. All about the best ways to kill them." -Boone
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