So basically a nationalist character that wants to see an effecient government rule all the land. His disillusioned with NCR because of their incompetence.
Yeah that sums it up well, and to be honest if I had traveled to the Mojave Outpost before going to Nipton on my first run my entire outlook might have been changed. After playing many runs I know its all in how things get shown to you. My first run I sided with Pacer, and was shocked to find out the NCR was withholding food from anyone who did not join. I later found out why, and I can understand that point.
It all comes down to first impressions
My first impression of Mr. House was through Benny informing the game was rigged from the start, and a creepy robot that was just far to friendly
My first impression of the Powder Gangers where murdering savage ex-cons
My first impression of the NCR was a group that would not help those who needed it the most
My first impression of the Legion was of a group who used harsh tactics in a harsh world, but seemed to be cleaning things up
Yes things change later.
Mr. House had nothing to do with me being shot, and his robot was him trying to win me over
Not all the Powder Gangers are horrible, and a few even want to turn themselves in
The NCR wants to help, but is tied down with politics
The Legion may be a bit to harsh, and they are led/created by a man who does not believe in what he says
Still though first impressions are powerful, and I fully support the Legion... I however detest Eddie. He should die while the rest of the Legion could still view him as a hero before he is discovered, and brings it all down. Everyone outside of the Legion says kill Eddie, and the Legion will turn on itself. There are many men who where shown (and I assume some who where not) that could lead better then Eddie. There would be a period of civil war sure... but it would not last, and if someone who actually believed in the doctrine took command. Then it could truly create an empire that could stretch from ocean to ocean.
Hands down the best ending for the Legion would be a killed Eddie, and a talked down Lanius.