I don't assume that all civilians in the Legion are slaves. I don't believe that women outside war camps are used as just breeding stock.
If I did I wouldn't support the Legion.
Quoth Edward Sallow himself:
"It means a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogeneous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. Long term stability at all costs. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war or production."
I'm really not seeing room for anything beyond legionnaires or slaves in that...
Siri also says that a female player char is the first free woman she's seen since she was captured. And also, she states that several legionnaires are contemplating attempting to (sixually Violative R-Word That Is Censored On This Board) a female player char.
See, that's exactly it. Most people get caught up in comparing real world values and morals to Fallout's world and don't even bother to look at it from the viewpoint of someone living in that environment. Would you want the promise of a rebuilt America riddled with corruption and excess, just as it was before the bombs dropped (which is stupid because it would just mean another nuclear war down the line) or complete and utter security reinforced by a strong (albeit rigid) moral code.
Caesar's path to a new Roman Empire isn't a pretty one littered with cheering fans and what have you but it's better than walking down the same exact path that lead to a global nuclear catastrophe. Caesar conquers New Vegas, makes it his Rome and turns the Legion into a standing professional army. An army he can use to utterly eradicate every last bit of raider/fiend/mutant scum that he wishes and more importantly, an army he can use to protect citizens of his new empire.
One critical thing I'd have to say is about his means of expanding said empire, however. Rather than the whole capture tribals, erase their identity shtick he'd be better off offering citizenship through mandatory military service. This would serve to imbed potential citizens with a sense of loyalty and duty without actually having to brainwash them by having served alongside professional legionaries for an extended period of time. By the time their mandatory service is up they can become full fledged citizens, therein retaining all the rights a citizen would have. Of course they'd still be required to serve when called upon but they'd be given a real stake in the Legion.
Basically he'd be taking an army of slaves and turning it into an army of modernized Romans. Caesar would've been better of following history a bit more closely is the jist of what I'm trying to say.
And now for some more brutal deconstruction of the Pro-Legion stance...
Whose moral code? Someone who is A-OK with sixual violation, brutal torture, and homophobia (despite mounting evidence that the head enforcer himself may very well be in a very well-armored closet?) Someone who was a petulant gloryhound as a kid? What good is this moral code if the man at the top who decreed it considers himself exempt from it?
You're, right, it's not one that walks down a path that led to nuclear destruction. It's walking the path backwards to a societally regressed state. The Legion is just as morally bereft as the "Profligates" they decry, but in a more baser and animalistic nature, with the afforementioned (sixually Violative R-Word That Is Censored On This Board) and torture.
As for the "citizenship" thing and not annihilating tribes... that defeats the whole point of Sallow's vision: "Long term stability at all costs". If regionalism still exists, favor towards one's own region will remain and strife between regions will return. Not that it can be removed... regionalism will just resurface again in whatever new reformation of the territories come forth. Denver will favor themselves over Phoenix, for example. Like Marcus says, "Caesar" thinks he can change human nature. And when the Legion falls apart after the man who is worshiped instead of his ideals (thanks to breeding out intellectual capacities as the sixism-parroting Lucullus demonstrates) dies... it'll be biblical.