So Caesar based his Legion on ancient Rome right? Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't ancient Rome a democracy? As far as I know Caesar's were only put into power under extreme circumstances. When they did this the Caesar usually tried to steal power and I think more than one of them were assassinated due to this attempted coup d'etat *cough* Julius *cough* Forty-nine stabs in the back *cough* Et Tu Brute? *cough* (great play by the way)
So why is it that Caesar acts like a monarch? Or really I guess it would be a Military Dictatorship. So is this an oversight or did Caesar just pick and choose which bits of Ancient Rome to model his new empire off of?
The real Caesars were Kings.....the most powerful monarchs to ever rule. But for political reasons, they hid the true extent of thier power behind the forms of the Republic. The Romans thought that bowing and scraping before a God-King, and hiding behind a Cult of Personality was literally gay. What Eddie is using as a model is the Great Totalitarian Dictatorships of the 20th century...with some Roman cos-play added in. He actually tells you that CL is a Totalitarian State by design.
NCR is a mockery of America rather than a rebirth of it.
That's the Enclave....the NCR is just a 5th generation carbon copy of America.