Thought this was fixed,cant believe i fell for it

Post » Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:15 pm

unfortunately i have played my last game of fallout New Vegas thanks to Victor the A** Hole robot, who when you try to talk to him so he bring you up to your presidential suite,( where you have material for about 15 weapon repair kits,and a fully repaired lmg with about 1000 rounds of ammo for it sitting their and more items than i can carry. that i had their for when i raised my barter for a sweet pay day), just stands their as i click the x button over and over and over and over again, i got caught up in the fun and didnt save for a long while, so god knows how far back my last save was,this happened to me the first week i got the game,(went to midnight release for it) , i could of sworn i read they had fixed this bug, thats why i started playing again, only for this to happen,thanx obsidian,thanx bethesda, thank god i didnt buy any dlc.anyone else have this happen?
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Josh Trembly
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