Race: Nord
Gender: Female
Class: Heavy armored barbarian (Or Berserker, if you want to call her that.

Age: 20
Weapon choice: Battleaxe.
With music, since she's a Skald. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtjMOfLbbV0
The tale begins in Skyrim at a cold winternight, mother gave birth to a child with a skin as pale as snow, hair as black as the night and eyes as beautiful as the full moon. Father was so proud of this beautiful child, he decided to call her Hrafna, after a raven.
Ten years later, Hrafna grew up as a talented young girl, born with vocals Dibella would be jealous of. And the way she plays the flute, when father and mother heard her, they would forget all their problems. And problems they had, they were musicians, like Hrafna, but had issues staying alive. They lived alone in the woods and had to survive by hunting. They did not have a house, they had their own camp. A tent and a campfire was all they had. But they were content this way, because they had eachother.
But horror would soon arrive, in the night, when Hrafna was playing the flute in the woods, she heard a scream. ''Don't take our faith, elves!'' father said as he grabbed his battleaxe. Hrafna ran to the camp, as she saw three men arresting her parents. These men were dressed in purple robes, high elves. Mother quickly told Hrafna to run, with tears in her eyes she gave her a last hug and a kiss. ''Goodbye'' she said. As her parents were taken away Hrafna was all alone, no parents, no camp. Nothing but her flute which father gave to her.
Hrafna was a silent and shy girl, but also a survivalist, she knew what to do to survive in the woods of Skyrim. Three winternights she wandered untill she came across a guard. The man brought her to Riften, to an orphanage. When she arrived she met an old hag, with a heart of stone. Three years she spent in the orphanage, alone and depressed. Grelod hated all kids, but especially her. Eventually, Hrafna managed to escape. And again, she wandered alone in the woods, where she found a cavern. Hrafna decided to sleep there.
The following day, an old Norse barbarian found the poor child, freezing and sick. ''It's alright.'' He said. ''Come with me, sweetheart, I shall bring you to safety.'' Hrafna eventually trusted the warrior and let herself get carried by the large and intimidating man, but with a heart of gold. As she arrived to a camp she was put in a warm bed where she recovered rather quickly. A few hours later Hrafna woke up. She looked around as the camp remembered her of her lost home. She realised, that this was her new home.
7 years went by and Hrafna was no longer the child she was before, she grew musculair, intimidating and brave. A barbarian with a talent for battle. Hrafna also became very interested and attracted to the dark side of life. But deep in her heart there is still that beautiful soul that wants the world to be better for those who deserve it. Hrafna continued to do what she always did, writing poetry, singing and playing instruments. But it wasn't the same, her poetry and songs were gloomy and dark, filled with pain and missery. ''Goodbye, savior.'' she sang at the moment where the barbarian died of old age.
The young woman will always remember that black page in the book of her childhood. And she knows that those elves had to pay for what they did. Not in cash, but in blood. Because of this, Hrafna decides to help the Stormcloaks, which resulted in an Imperial arrest. And that's where it all starts.
What do you think? It took me a while to think about it. But I personally like it.